1. an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up
especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system
e.g. spare components for cars
a component or constituent element of a system
Synonym: componentconstituent
2. an abstract part of something
e.g. jealousy was a component of his character
two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony
the grammatical elements of a sentence
a key factor in her success
humor: an effective ingredient of a speech
Synonym: componentconstituentfactoringredient
3. the most favorable environment for a plant or animal
e.g. water is the element of fishes
4. a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone
5. the situation in which you are happiest and most effective
e.g. in your element
6. any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
Synonym: chemical element
7. one of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe
e.g. the alchemists believed that there were four elements
1. 成分;组成部分
The different elements of something are the different parts it contains.
e.g. The exchange of prisoners of war was one of the key elements of the UN's peace plan.
2. 要素;基本部分
A particular element of a situation, activity, or process is an important quality or feature that it has or needs.
e.g. Fitness has now become an important element in our lives.
3. (社会或组织内部具有相同目标、信仰或习惯的)一群人,一组人,分子
When you talk about elements within a society or organization, you are referring to groups of people who have similar aims, beliefs, or habits.
e.g. ...criminal elements within the security forces.
e.g. ...the hooligan element.
4. 些许;一些
If something has an element of a particular quality or emotion, it has a certain amount of this quality or emotion.
e.g. These reports clearly contain elements of propaganda.
5. (化学中的)元素
An element is a substance such as gold, oxygen, or carbon that consists of only one type of atom.
6. (电炉、热水器等的)电热元件,电热丝
The element in an electric fire or water heater is the metal part which changes the electric current into heat.
e.g. With its unique heating element it makes perfect coffee.
7. 天气;(尤指)风雨
You can refer to the weather, especially wind and rain, as the elements .
e.g. The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements.
8. 自在;适得其所;如鱼得水
If you say that someone is in their element, you mean that they are in a situation they enjoy.
e.g. My stepmother was in her element, organizing everything...
e.g. Maybe it's because they're so out of their element that they feel the need to talk.
1. 元素 元素:8.4.1 概述 电子邮件电子邮件(e-mail)是因特网上使用得最多的和最受万维网是一个分布式的超媒体超媒体(hypermedia)系统,它是超文本超文本(hypertext)系统的扩充. 万维网高速缓存万维网高速缓存(Web cache)是一种网络实体,元素元素(element)是HTML文档结构的基本组
2. 元件:在下面我加了两个 text- 元件 (element),请将您的大名写入第一个空 格,并将您的 e-mail address 写入第二个空 格. 您可在这两个空格中任意输入并按下按 钮. 您也可以不输入任何东西就按下按钮试试 !您知到有几种方法可用来送出 form 的内容吗?
3. element:e; 元件,部件,元素
Clifford was never so much in his element as when conversing of art.
出自:G. GissingEarly nineteenth century in character, he was..out of his element in this neo-Georgian era.
出自:TruthWe do not inhabit the same element as the Greeks.
出自:British Journal of AestheticsThis creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its mixture of modern and traditional Chinese elements(元素).
这个作品融合了现代和中国传统元素, 引起了很大的关注。
The efforts of America's highest-earning 1% have been one of the more dynamic elements of the global economy.
It is a central element in the acquisition of status and the production of scientific knowledge.
While climate is a key element, Moritz says, it shouldn't come at the expense of the rest of the equation.
On display here are various fantasy elements whose reference, at some basic level, seems to be the natural world.