Eclogue No. 2, for piano in D major.(大调为钢琴而作的第2田园诗曲。)
The border Town is more a grievous custom elegy than a moving love eclogue.(《边城》与其说是一只悱恻动人的爱情牧歌,不如说是一只悲切哀婉的风俗挽歌。)
The image of a poet interrupted and chided by the god of poetry comes straight out of the opening of Virgil's Sixth Eclogue.(这段诗人被神明打断斥责的场景,直接明了地出现在维吉尔的里。)
The poem is based most closely on Virgil's Tenth Eclogue.(这首诗取材于维吉尔的《牧歌》第十首。)
His oil painting works always flare with rational brilliance of realism as well as pure and fresh art color and lyric quality of eclogue.(他的油画作品,始终闪耀着现实主义的理性光辉,却又不乏清新秀婉的艺术情调和田园牧歌式的抒情品质。)
Whenever you come, you will find Hunan a Chinese painting of landscape and an eclogue of the East.(无论什么季节,湖南都是一幅中国山水画,一首东方田园诗。)
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