And while his bedroom nightstands were a veritable drugstore of prescription vials, he ate healthful New Age breakfasts of granola with almond milk.(虽然他的床头柜就像是一个小型的药店,放满了药瓶子,他尽量让自己的生活方式健康起来,他喝新世纪的早餐,用杏仁牛奶冲调格兰·诺拉麦片。)
If I ask a simple question like 'Is the drugstore open on Sundays?(我问简单问题譬如这家药店周日开门吗?)
He rushed to a drugstore near by.(他冲向附近的一家药店。)
All he needs to do is to shell our $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results.(他所要做的就是在他当地的药店里花30美元高价买一套亲子鉴定试剂盒(PTK),再花120美元得到结果。)
Therefore, Medicine Inc. is likely to continue to have increasing profits and should plan to open an additional drugstore next year.(因此,MedicineInc.很可能继续保持盈利的增长,并且应该计划在来年开设一家新药店。)
All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results。(他所要做的就是在住所附近的药店里付30美元买一个父子关系测试包(PTK),然后另支付120美元以获得结果。)
The colognes and perfumes tested were a random sampling of products the average consumer might find at a department or drugstore.(古龙水和香水的检测是在任意一个顾客的产品或者在一个企业或者一个化妆品店随机进行的化学测试。)
Is there a drugstore near here?(这儿附近有一家杂货店吗?)
Rita: Go to Lang's Drugstore.(丽塔:去朗氏药店。)
Rita: No, there's a big sign: Lang's Drugstore.(丽塔:不,那儿有一个大的标志:朗氏药店。)
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