英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 10:41:10




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  • 下垂的
  • 颓丧的
  • 疲乏的
  • 无精打采的


1. hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness)

Synonym: droopingsagging

1. droopy

1. 下垂的:眼睛看起来疲累的关键,在於下垂的(droopy) 眼型、眼周细纹与黑眼圈,这些瑕疵混淆了双眼在视觉上的焦点;如果妳有眼周困扰,除了做好保养步骤,彩妆上的完美遮瑕也能为妳化腐朽为神奇.

2. 倦意:droolingslabberslaverslobberslobbering 垂涎 | droopy 倦意 | drop-forge 落锤锻造

More men are opting for plastic surgery and other enhancements to lift droopy necks and excise excess body fat, the Wall Street Journal reported.(据《华尔街日报》报道,现在更多的男性会选择整容手术或其它方法,以提拉松弛的颈部、去掉身上多余的脂肪。)
The girl seems droopy.(这女孩看上去有点蔫。)
Wipe out the aged horniness effectively, firms up skin and recovers droopy skin to flexibility.(有效去除皮肤老化角质,紧致肌肤,令松弛的肌肤回复弹性。)
Apply to: people who operate computers with over-worked eyes and some with dark circle, dull and droopy eye skins.(适用:眼周肌肤有干纹细纹,黑眼圈、无光泽、有眼袋的人群。)
Make sure your coat is longer than the dress - a droopy hem is not chic.(记住你的外套要比衣服长些——皱巴巴的下摆可不够雅致。)
Get into bed when you're sleepy - eyes droopy, you're drowsy, you feel like you're nodding off.(当你感觉困倦的时候再上床睡觉——眼睛是没有精神的,你也会感到昏昏欲睡的,你会感到你好像在打盹似的。)
Availability: Weak and droopy skin, skin with low water-reserving ability, wrinkles, rough pores and damaged epidermis.(适用:皮肤锁水力弱、脱皮、皱纹、松驰、毛孔粗大、表皮受损。)
Simply shortening a suit's hems and sleeves can leave the collar too broad, the pockets oversized, the armholes gargantuan, the elbow curves too low and the rear droopy.(仅仅修短衣服的下摆和袖子是远远不够的,领口、口袋、袖孔都还是太大,肘弯处太低,后摆也是耷拉着的。)
An hour later, my 12-year-old self came out with a droopy-looking character-which I scrubbed off the pot-and a realization that I knew very little about this mysterious language.(一个小时后,12岁的我做出了一个耷拉着的汉字,后来我把它从盆上抹掉了。我意识到我对这门语言所知甚少。)
Its short, sloping rear end looks droopy and, in a letdown for practicality, a small trunk lid makes loading large items difficult or impossible even though the trunk itself is huge.(虽然后备箱很大,但后盖较小,使得大物件很难甚至不可能装卸,在实用性方面令人失望。)
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