do housework

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do housework

更新时间:2024-06-11 01:41:36
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. You is able to live and do housework by herself, but she needs help whenever she goes out.

2. But now the home service industry in China is flourishing as the younger generation in the country is trying to do no housework at all.

3. " I already have a housemaid to do the housework, " he said.

4. She lived in villagers'houses and helped them do housework and farm work, such as feeding pigs.

5. More and more young people are occupied with office and housework, and some do not want to care for their parents at all.

6. And 80 per cent do not cook but eat with their parents, and 50 per cent have conflicts with housework.

7. But that wage premium disappears if wives go out to work themselves or don't do most of the housework.

8. The son said his mother used to do all the housework, but now his father handles most of it.

9. But despite Hong's poor health and the family's lack of money, she persisted in helping her grandmother do housework.

10. It was because in traditional Chinese societies in the past, women needed to do housework and take care of their children.

do housework的解释

1. We take it in turns to do the housework.

2. You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.
你不可能叫她既照顾孩子又做家务。4。由as well as 连接的复合主语并不影响谓语动词的数。

3. A day of work, exhausted mother should get some rest, but working hard to do the housework.

4. Do your housework at a rapid pace.

5. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother.


6. The independent tide emerging, men, perhaps, don`t ask the women positively to deal with the whole tasks inside of home, yet in their minds, it is naturally for women to bear the housework. Thus, if one woman who would like to do the tasks and another one who would not like to do them are in front of a man, the former one will have much more chance to win the proposal.

7. do housework的反义词

7. When your parents do all the housework, you should be grateful to them.

8. do housework

8. I do my share of the housework.

9. I can help my mother do the housework.

10. do housework的近义词

10. I have learned to do the housework.

11. do housework的近义词

11. They can help chidren do their homework and do all the housework for women.

12. Be able to do sth I am able to do housework.

13. I could help my parents do some housework.

14. Do you often help your parents do housework?

15. do housework的近义词

15. I will do my best to help parents make housework, and I will study more hard than before too.

16. Let her have a good rest while other members of the fanily do the housework.

17. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework.

18. I need to help my parents do housework.


19. Because today is Saturday, so I have to do some housework and have a long noon sleep.

20. do housework

20. When I am at home, I often help my mom do housework.

  • 临近词
My parents always do housework during the holidays, and they seldom get around.(我的父母总是在假期间做家务,他们很少有时间去旅游。)
I often do housework.(我常做家务。)
Help me do housework as chat everyday.(帮我做家务,每天,边做边聊天。)
I have to work in the day time, study at night, and do housework during my spare time.(我白天工作,晚上学习,还要在空闲时间做家务。)
On weekend I usually do housework with my mother.(在周末我经常和我的妈妈做家务哦!)
Everyone should learn to do housework.(每个人都应该去学着做家务。)
My idea is that we should help her do housework every Sunday.(我的想法是,我们应当每个星期天帮她干家务。)
All the family members should do housework. When your parents do all the housework, you should be grateful to them.(所有的家庭成员都应该做家务。当你的父母把所有的家务都做了的时候,你应该对他们充满感激。)
They want the girls to stay home and do housework and get married.(他们希望女儿留在家里,做家务,然后出嫁。)
Also, when they get older, they will have to do housework so there is no need for them to do it now.(同样当他们长大时,他们将不得不做家务,所以没有必要让他们现在做。)
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