Her submerged car was discovered in the river by police divers.(她被水淹没的汽车给警方的潜水员找到了。)
Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.(当潜水员们走向海岸时,铅坠和氧气缸让他们步履维艰。)
Since the divers limit their catch to a few individuals and take care not to overfish, the divers' continuing activities will clearly not result in serious harm to populations of princessfish.(由于只有少数几个潜水员进行捕捞,而且他们会注意不造成过度捕捞的现象,所以潜水员的持续活动显然不会对公主鱼种群造成严重危害。)
Divers have been used to salvage valuable equipment from submerged plants.(已有潜水员到被淹的工厂中抢救贵重设备。)
New evidence suggests that exercise could protect divers from the bends.(新证据表明锻炼可以防止潜水员得潜涵病。)
A group of sea dwelling people in Southeast Asia have evolved into better divers.(东南亚一群居住在海里的人已经进化成了更好的潜水员。)
They wanted to get certified as divers.(他们想拿到潜水员资格证书。)
Divers battled for hours to try to free a whale entangled in crab nets.(潜水员们奋战了几个小时,试图解救一条被捕蟹网缠住的鲸鱼。)
Eric Douglas is the director of training for Divers AlertNetwork.(原作者埃里克·道格拉斯是DiverAlertNetwork的训练指导。)
Divers and historians are still looking for the Alligator today.(直至今天,潜水员和历史学家仍在找寻扬子鳄号潜水艇。)
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