副词: devouringly 名词: devourer 过去式: devoured 过去分词: devoured 现在分词: devouring 第三人称单数: devours
副词: devouringly 名词: devourer 过去式: devoured 过去分词: devoured 现在分词: devouring 第三人称单数: devours
1. eat greedily
e.g. he devoured three sandwiches
Synonym: guttleravenpig
2. eat immoderately
e.g. Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal
Synonym: downconsumego through
3. destroy completely
e.g. Fire had devoured our home
4. enjoy avidly
e.g. She devoured his novels
1. 狼吞虎咽地吃;吞食
If a person or animal devours something, they eat it quickly and eagerly.
e.g. A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day...
e.g. She devoured half an apple pie.
2. 如饥似渴地阅读;热切地看
If you devour a book or magazine, for example, you read it quickly and with great enthusiasm.
e.g. She began devouring newspapers when she was only 12.
年仅 12 岁时,她就开始如饥似渴地阅读报纸。
1. devour的解释
1. 吞噬:3年前詹森.埃寇斯就有部极小成本,直接发行DVD的恐怖片<>(Devour)问世,而今次再遭电影惊吓,就已经升级到狮门公司大制作的3D恐怖片了,也算是对其人气在近几年急升的一种回报.
2. 吃:用一些特殊的指令消灭敌人也不得EXP,如卡片(Card)和吃(Devour)这两个指令. 情况2:用卡片(Card)或吃(Devour)消灭敌人 (无--EXP(经验值)、有--AP(技能点) 、有--物品掉落)4.利用吞食/吃(Devour)的指令④利用吞食/吃(Devour)的指令:
There was no sign of the dead mouse. Presumably it had been devoured by the cats.
出自:J. G. FarrellThor felt hungry. He devoured an entire ox, and..eight salmon.
出自:K. Crossley