1. the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation
e.g. the determination of molecular structures
Synonym: finding
2. the act of making up your mind about something
e.g. the burden of decision was his
he drew his conclusions quickly
Synonym: decisionconclusion
3. the quality of being determined to do or achieve something
firmness of purpose
e.g. his determination showed in his every movement
he is a man of purpose
Synonym: purpose
4. deciding or controlling something's outcome or nature
e.g. the determination of grammatical inflections
5. a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
e.g. a decision unfavorable to the opposition
his conclusion took the evidence into account
satisfied with the panel's determination
Synonym: decisionconclusion
1. 决心;坚决;坚定;果断
Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.
e.g. Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination...
e.g. He reaffirmed their determination to tackle inflation...
1. 决心:一般情况下,要拿冠军的队伍在很长时间里都必须具备3巨头+3D的组合:即三巨头+阵容深度(depth), 决心(determination)和防守(defense). 在NBA这个联盟里,一般你都会在乎是否拥有勒布朗-詹姆斯或者邓肯这样的巨星,其实你还必须具备稳定的第二点和第三点,
2. 鉴定:基因型的鉴定(determination) 有助於医师研判(determine,decide)用药的理想剂量(optimal dose). 例如,医师会以抗凝血药或血液稀释剂(blood thinner)华法林(warfarin)协助病患稀释血液与减少血栓,但使用华法林过量(overdose),
They were neither of them dissatisfied with the Knight's Determination.
出自:AddisonIn the determination of this question the identity of virtue and knowledge is found to be involved.
出自:B. Jowett