Life for meeting which persons destine and walk which road, choose which road also destine and meet which persons.(人生为了遇见哪些人注定要走哪条路,选择了哪条路也就注定要遇见哪些人。)
The natural affection, the friendship little more than good luck, is the destiny arranges for us in have no voice under want to walk of road, include the person whom we destine and meet in the life.(亲情,友情同样是缘,是命运在无声中为我们安排下了要走的路,包括我们生命中注定要遇见的人。)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have unique electronics and optical properties which destine them to play a major role in the next generation of nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices.(碳纳米管因其独特的结构和奇异的电学性能在下一代纳米电子和光电子器件中具有广阔的应用前景。)
The cigarette love with match, destine to be hurt.(香烟爱上火柴,就注定被伤害。)
Stepping into technologist will destine to end at the point of losing much more profits.(走向技术主义,终将以失去更多利益为结果。)
From 1999, there were stunt pilots from six countries flew throw the cave, which makes it destine to be a miracle that would be focused by the world.(自1999年,世界六国特技飞行师,驾驶飞机穿越天门洞开始,这里就注定成为了一个举世瞩目的神奇之地。)
When a person come to love you of time, please don't ask him why love you, because this is also destine, impossible change.(当一个人来爱你的时候,请不要问他为什么爱你,因为这也是注定的,不可能改变。)
The brains harboring prejudices and grudge over others hardly think impartially, the history that birth destine one's fate in China is long and radiating.(那些包藏者成见,嫉恨的脑子总是会想得很歪!出身决定命运得历史在咱们中国那可谓悠久而灿烂啊!)
She feel she be destine to be unhappy for the rest of her life.(她认为她命中注定余生不会再有快乐。)
Fourthly, bitter life and continual pursuit of feminine destine.(第四,不幸的生活遭遇,不懈地寻求女性出路。)
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