1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
having absolute sovereignty
e.g. an authoritarian regime
autocratic government
despotic rulers
a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war
a tyrannical government
Synonym: authoritarianautocraticdictatorialtyrannictyrannical
2. ruled by or characteristic of a despot
e.g. moved from a feudal to a despotic order
his administration was arrogant and despotic
3. belonging to or having the characteristics of a despot
Synonym: despotical
1. 专制的;残暴的;暴虐的
If you say that someone is despotic, you are emphasizing that they use their power over other people in a very unfair or cruel way.
e.g. The country was ruled by a despotic tyrant.
1. 专横的:despondent behavior 沮丧行为沮丧行为 | despotic 专横的 | despotism 独裁制
2. 专横的、暴虐的:hypnotic 催眠的 | despotic 专横的、暴虐的 | erotic 性爱的,色情的(作品)
She became too old and sick to continue her despotic reign.
出自:L. Deighton