名词: denouncement 过去式: denounced 过去分词: denounced 现在分词: denouncing 第三人称单数: denounces
名词: denouncement 过去式: denounced 过去分词: denounced 现在分词: denouncing 第三人称单数: denounces
1. speak out against
e.g. He denounced the Nazis
2. give away information about somebody
e.g. He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam
Synonym: tell onbetraygive awayratgrassshitshopsnitchstag
3. announce the termination of, as of treaties
4. to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
e.g. He denounced the government action
She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock
Synonym: stigmatizestigmatisebrandmark
1. 谴责;痛斥
If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.
e.g. The letter called for trade union freedom and civil rights, but did not openly denounce the regime...
e.g. German leaders denounced the attacks and pleaded for tolerance...
2. 告发;检举
If you denounce someone who has broken a rule or law, you report them to the authorities.
e.g. ...informers who might denounce you at any moment.
1. 谴责:但观察团的结论,与欧洲安全暨合作组织观察员的结果互相冲突(clash with). 欧洲观察员谴责(denounce)选举本身是虚晃一招的骗局(sham),选举缺失不胜枚举(numerous shortcomings),尤其作票(vote rigging)更是层出不穷.
2. 斥责:14.斥责(Denounce)技能类型:挑衅需要:挑战lv3描述:守护者斥责一个敌人,削弱其护甲25. 使目标生物发起进攻. 技能范围30.0米. 能量消耗:30.0使用频率:10.0秒一次下一等级:1/10(需要等级:15)效果:嘲弄效果提升300. 个人感觉:没用过!
3. 指责:该地暴乱发生在大巴扎(Grand Bazaar)一次抗议(protest)之后;那次抗议指责(denounce)政府对广东事件的处理(handling)不当,要求(demand)对凶杀案(killing)进行全面调查(full investigation).
4. denounce的解释
4. 当众指责:denote 表示,指示,意指 | denounce 当众指责 | deny 否认,不承认
Father denounced his son for lies.
Mary denounced her husband for bad behaviour.
The woman denounced her neighbour for helping the enemy.
I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish.
出自:Bible (AV): DeuteronomyHe was solemnly denounced excommunicate.
出自:J. Strype