英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 12:08:50



英 [deɪn]

美 [den]


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过去式: deigned 过去分词: deigned 现在分词: deigning 第三人称单数: deigns

  • 英英释义

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1. do something that one considers to be below one's dignity

Synonym: condescenddescend

1. 屈尊;俯就;降低身份
If you say that someone deigned to do something, you are expressing your disapproval of the fact that they did it unwillingly, because they thought they were too important to do it.


e.g. At last, Harper deigned to speak...
e.g. Weatherby didn't deign to reply.

1. 屈尊:deify 神化 | deign 屈尊 | deiktic 直接指出的

2. 赐予:deign 屈尊 | deign 赐予 | deinhibition 去除抑止

3. 屈尊/赐予:deify /奉为神/祀为神/敬如神/ | deign /屈尊/赐予/ | deil /恶魔/

4. deign在线翻译

4. 屈尊,惠允(做某事):arraign 指责,控告 | deign 屈尊,惠允(做某事) | feign 假装,伪装

  • 经典引文

  • Hardly deigning to reply to your timid sentences.

    出自:H. Belloc
  • Lunch-time arrived and still no driver deigned to stop for us.

    出自:D. Abse
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Now that she is rich and famous, she doesn't deign to visit her former friends.(既然她现在又有钱又出名,便再也不愿屈尊去看望从前的朋友了。)
A dim form appeared at his side, and a voice said, "Wilt deign to deliver thy commands?"(一个模模糊糊的人影出现在他身边,一个声音说:“你肯屈尊下达命令吗?”)
Yasi series have and smooth appearance, exquisite deign, plentiful color, easy operation.(雅斯系列外观世故、设想精巧、色彩丰厚、易于运用。)
I would not deign to comment on such behaviour.(这种行为不屑我置评。)
The Yantai Oriental cherry Japanese School new class evening class teaches a course, welcome to deign to inquire.(烟台樱花日语学校新班晚班开课啦,欢迎垂询。)
Special deign is the maze-design subassembly to prevent leakage of circumfluence .(特别的是由一个迷宫式组件来防止少数的液体回漏。)
This paper mainly analyzes the thought of software and hardware deign, control algorithm and so on.(文章对智能车寻线控制系统的软、硬件设计思路和控制算法等进行了论述。)
Few Iranians would ever again deign to volunteer for the empty pageantry of voting.(很少有伊朗人会再次屈尊投票参加这个空空的盛况空前的选举。)
Symphony orchestras should absolutely do more concerts of this nature, if they can deign to accept them.(绝对应该有更多的交响乐团来做类似的演出,如果他们肯屈尊这么做的话。)
Will you deign no answer?(您不屑赐予回答吗?)
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