英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 10:09:06



英 [ˌdegrəˈdeɪʃn]

美 [ˌdɛɡrəˈdeʃən]


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  • 堕落
  • 降级
  • 退化
  • 下降
  • 降低
  • 剥蚀
  • 免职
  • 丢脸
  • 【地】剥蚀
  • 【化】降解
  • 【物】退降
  • 【宗】革除神职
  • 落泊
  • 潦倒
  • 恶化(过程)
  • 毁坏(过程)
  • 降格
  • 【地】陵削

1. 丢脸;(尤指)落泊,堕落
You use degradation to refer to a situation, condition, or experience which you consider shameful and disgusting, especially one which involves poverty or immorality.


e.g. They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found...
e.g. She described the degradations she had been forced to suffer.

2. 恶化;变糟;衰退
Degradation is the process of something becoming worse or weaker, or being made worse or weaker.

e.g. I feel this signals the degradation of American culture.

3. (土地或环境的)退化
The degradation of land or of the environment is the process of its becoming damaged and poorer, for example because of the effects of pollution, industry, and modern agricultural methods.

e.g. There are serious problems of land degradation in some arid zones.
e.g. ...the accelerating degradation of our planet's natural environment.

4. 降解
In science, the degradation of a substance is the process of its breaking down into its separate parts or elements.

e.g. ...the degradation of salicylic acid in plants.

1. 退化:该系统是针对高温组件测试设计,可以用来测试陶瓷膜,电极,密封,催化剂以及完整的固体氧化物燃料电池膜电极及短电堆(short stacks). 该系统是分析耐用性(durability)及退化(degradation)等材料及组件特性的理想平台

2. degradation

2. 降级:在这里,损耗诱导降级与拉曼诱导降级(degradation)之间达到了一种平衡. 图中显示,CNR曲线在感爱好的距离上都比较平坦,可以预期对业务的影响是比较小的. 在那些需要额外盈余(margin)的地方,有一种非常简单的方法来减少拉曼效应所带来的影响.


3. 降解:为了确保该循环的顺利运行,降解(degradation)和合成(synthesis)学状态之中. 在这个均衡稳定的系统(homeostatic system)中,大量的有机化合物被的主体部分. 为了确保该循环的顺利运行,降解(degradation)和合成(synthesis)

4. 劣化:美国认为,伴随着核电站的高服役期,安全壳的腐蚀(corrosion)和劣化(degradation)现象的发生率呈增加趋势. 与钢制和混凝土制安全壳有关的老化研究计划主要有: (1)核电厂老化研究(NPAR)计划; (2)构筑物老化研究(SAG)计划;

  • 经典引文

  • Nothing can tend more to every kind of..degradation than the vice of gin-drinking.

    出自:B. C. Brodie
  • War..was the degradation of all civilized ideals.

    出自:P. H. Gibbs
Identifying throughput degradation in SVT.(在SVT中识别吞吐量降低问题。)
Oxindole was identified as degradation metabolites of indole.(羟吲哚被鉴定为吲哚的降解代谢产物。)
Throughput degradation analysis and solution.(吞吐量降低的分析和解决方案。)
This article shows how to locate potential causes of performance degradation.(本文将介绍如何确定造成性能下降的潜在原因。)
Indeed, most analysts believe that some kind of environmental degradation underlies the demise of many extinct salmon populations.(事实上,大多数分析家认为某种环境退化是许多已灭绝鲑鱼种群消亡的根源。)
Because virose matters were produced during aniline degradation, aniline degradation rate descended gradually.(由于在苯胺降解过程中产生了有毒物质,因此苯胺降解率逐渐降低。)
Climate change is inter-linked with other global environmental problems such as deforestation, desertification and freshwater degradation.(气候变化与森林砍伐、荒漠化和淡水退化等其他全球环境问题相互关联。)
An increased paging activity indicates performance degradation.(分页活动增加会导致性能下降。)
The study found that degradation is being driven mainly by poor land management.(研究发现,土地退化的主要驱动力是不良的土地管理。)
Increases in seeds from pioneer plants and systematic changes in the animals hunted and the trees used for construction and fuel are evidence of environmental degradation.(先锋植物种子的增加,被猎杀的动物以及用于建筑和燃料的树木系统的变化是环境退化的证据。)
degradation是什么意思 degradation在线翻译 degradation什么意思 degradation的意思 degradation的翻译 degradation的解释 degradation的发音 degradation的同义词