英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 10:08:39


英 [ˌdi:ˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn]

美 [ˌdi:ˌfɔ:rɪˈsteɪʃn]


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1. the removal of trees

Synonym: disforestation

2. the state of being clear of trees

1. 森林砍伐:潘塔纳尔湿地的生态系统正面临人类活动所造成的危机,包括不受监管的钓鱼消遣、狩猎、偷运濒危物种(美洲鳄、美洲豹、山猫、鹦鹉)、不受监管的旅游活动、森林砍伐(deforestation)、火耕.

2. deforestation在线翻译

2. 伐林:在高科技与环境转变之间有一个高度复杂的回馈环路,而此回馈环路只是以缓慢的步伐渐渐被了解. 地球自然环境受到的人为威胁包括污染、伐林(Deforestation)和例如漏油(Oilspill)的灾害. 人类引致很多动植物物种的灭绝.


3. 滥砍滥伐:Q24,文中提到的造成种群灭绝的原因包括滥砍滥伐(deforestation),捕猎(hunting),捕杀以获取动物制品(kill to get animal products)等,所有原因均与人类活动有关.

4. 森林开伐:森林开伐(Deforestation)意为人为的将森林地转成耕地、牧场、城市等用地的行为. 一般来说,森林开伐会造成环境退化和物种多样性的减少. 许多国家还在进行森林开伐,造成了气候变迁和地理环境的改变. 因为森林坎伐后没有足够的造林,

We enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation.(我们享受我们家具的美丽与舒适,但我们从来就不愿去想一想由于采伐树林而引起的严重的土壤侵蚀问题。)
But it is not only gringos who clamour to stop deforestation.(但呼吁阻止森林退化的不只是外国佬。)
Climate change is inter-linked with other global environmental problems such as deforestation, desertification and freshwater degradation.(气候变化与森林砍伐、荒漠化和淡水退化等其他全球环境问题相互关联。)
Deforestation follows a Kuznets curve, too.(森林的砍伐也形成了Kuznets曲线。)
His state has a poor record on slowing deforestation.(他所在的州在放缓森林采伐的进度上表现极差。)
Carbon reduction through reforestation and avoided deforestation.(通过植树造林和避免乱砍滥伐减少碳排放。)
Unlike meat from those filthy places, it will not pollute rivers and streams, deplete groundwater or cause deforestation.(不像来自那些污秽场所的肉,它不会污染河流和小溪,不会大量消耗地下水,也不会引起滥伐森林。)
The glaciers are melting, storms have increased in ferocity, and there are landslides and floods, followed by droughts and deforestation.(冰川正在融化,风暴越来越凶猛,山体滑坡和洪水,随之而来的是干旱和森林砍伐。)
The deforestation has to be stopped there.(必须要阻止在这儿滥砍滥伐的人。)
Deforestation of grazing land adds to the effect.(同时,因开垦牧场而砍伐森林加剧了影响。)
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