He promulgates decrees as czar about daily life.(他也以沙皇之尊颁布有关日常生活的法令。)
In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.(作为回报,沙皇送给了他一支最好的军队。)
In 1859 he made a third visit, this time under the patronage of the Czar, Alexander II.(在1859年他发表了第三次访华,这一次的赞助下,沙皇亚历山大二。)
He called Vic Gundotra, Google's social czar, to complain.(于是他打电话向谷歌社交业务负责人维克•刚铎抱怨。)
The state was an abstraction, but in the person of the czar it was a reality.(国家"只是个抽象概念,但沙皇这个人是真实存在的)
Energy conservation; energy efficiency; an energy czar.(能量守恒;功效;强权的沙皇。)
Then when you see these portraits of him, he looks very czar-like.(当你看到他的画像时,你会发现他很有沙皇的气质。)
1547 - Ivan the Terrible was crowned Czar of Russia.(1547年的今天,伊凡雷帝加冕为俄国沙皇。)
Husband and wife were like czar and peasant, chairman of the board and receptionist.(夫妻地位就像俄国沙皇和农民、董事长和接待员之间那样悬殊。)
The ambassadors also handed over agreements they hoped the czar would sign.(使节们同时也递上了他们希望沙皇能签字的协议。)
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