This quaint custom should be revived.(应该恢复这一独特的风俗。)
It is the custom to bargain in Asia.(讨价还价是亚洲的习俗。)
The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth.(下町的已婚妇女保留了染黑牙齿的习俗。)
So you may think that gift-giving is a universal custom.(所以你可能认为送礼是一种普遍的习俗。)
Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements.(家具也可以定做来满足你个人的要求。)
The origin of the custom is obscure.(该习俗的起源鲜为人知。)
What is the custom and usage in this emergence?(这里出现的习俗和用法是什么?)
We invested in a custom-built kitchen.(我们出钱定做了一个厨房。)
Get a perfect, custom fit.(买一件完美的,定制的衣服。)
For example, afternoon tea is a British custom.(例如,下午茶就是英国的风俗。)
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