英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:51:55

criminal offence

英 [ˈkriminəl əˈfens]

美 [ˈkrɪmənəl əˈfɛns]

[法] 刑事罪,刑事犯罪

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. (criminal law) an act punishable by law
usually considered an evil act

e.g. a long record of crimes

Synonym: crimeoffensecriminal offenseoffencelaw-breaking

1. 刑事犯罪:在多数国家,酒后驾驶都属于刑事犯罪(criminal offence). 因此机动车驾驶者(motorist)需要密切注意酒精饮料(alcoholic beverages)的饮用. 早期主要依赖现场清醒度检测(field sobriety test/FST)来判断酒后驾驶行为,

2. criminal offence是什么意思

2. 犯罪:在多数国家,酒后驾驶都属于刑事犯罪(criminal offence). 因此机动车驾驶者(motorist)需要密切注意酒精饮料(alcoholic beverages)的饮用. 早期主要依赖现场清醒度检测(field sobriety test/FST)来判断酒后驾驶行为,

3. 刑事罪:比方说,在反对简而言之,在税务诉讼中,除了刑事罪名检控(criminal prosecution) 的逃税(tax evasion) 个案,刑事罪名里要求的「没有合理疑点beyond reasonable以刑事罪(criminal offence)检控(prosecute) 纳税人.

If you answered 'yes 'to any of the matter relates to a criminal conviction, please give the nature of the offence, full details of sentence and dates of any period of imprisonment or other detention.(如果你对上述任何一题作了‘是’的回答,你就必须提供所有有关详情,如果事情涉及到刑事犯罪,请提供犯罪性质、判刑详情和服刑或拘留日期。)
According to the relevant laws of our country, the injured party's spirit caused to damage by the criminal offence, the victim can't bring and compensate for the claims.(根据我国相关法律,犯罪行为致被害人精神损害的,受害人不能提起赔偿诉讼请求。)
Error in the criminal law, especially fact error, not only offense shape of effect action man, criminal responsibility, but also relate to the criminal accomplished offence either not abortive.(刑法中的错误,尤其是事实认识错误,不仅影响行为人的罪过形式、刑事责任,而且也涉及犯罪的既遂或未遂,是刑法中的一个重要课题。)
In fact we will refuse to sell to anyone whom we have reason to suspect intends to germinate and grow them as this would constitute a criminal offence in the UK.(事实上,我们将拒绝向任何人出售,我们有理由怀疑打算发芽,成长的,因为这会构成刑事罪行,英国研究。)
After the perfection of the criminal law, the modified article 398 prescribed an offence, which should be ascertained as the crime of divulging state secrets in judicatory practice.(新刑法第398条未予以完善之前,该条所规定之犯罪的罪名在司法实践中应确定为泄露国家秘密犯罪。)
Drunk driving is a criminal offence.(酒后驾驶是刑事犯罪。)
Based on the analysis of many criminal law scholars' theoretical research results, the author displays the basic position of the basic criminal offence constitutions on traffic accident crime.(该部分通过对诸多刑法学者理论研究成果的分析,阐述了关于交通肇事罪基本犯罪构成的基本立场。)
Because fault is representative of the essence of criminal offence, which is concentrated embodiment of requirements of Crime Formation and exclusive basis of criminal responsibility.(因为,罪过代表犯罪行为的本质,是犯罪构成要件的集中体现,是刑事责任的唯一根据。)
Does such an activity constitute a criminal offence?(难道这样的活动也算刑事犯罪吗?)
The introduction of artificial intelligence technology into this vehicle management system can give user great help to investigate some criminal offence related to vehicles and accidents.(将人工智能技术引入车辆管理系统中,协助侦破罪犯乘车作案、潜逃、肇事车逃走等案件。)
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