过去式: crested 过去分词: crested 现在分词: cresting 第三人称单数: crests
过去式: crested 过去分词: crested 现在分词: cresting 第三人称单数: crests
1. a showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal
2. (heraldry) in medieval times, an emblem used to decorate a helmet
3. the center of a cambered road
Synonym: crown
4. the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave
5. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
e.g. the view from the peak was magnificent
they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
Synonym: peakcrowntoptipsummit
1. reach a high point
e.g. The river crested last night
2. lie at the top of
e.g. Snow capped the mountains
Synonym: cap
1. 山顶;波峰;浪尖
The crest of a hill or a wave is the top of it.
2. 到达山顶
When someone crests a hill, they reach the top of it.
e.g. The first wave of marchers crested the hill.
3. 鸟冠;羽冠
A bird's crest is a group of upright feathers on the top of its head.
e.g. Both birds had a dark blue crest.
4. (贵族家庭、城镇或组织的)饰章,纹章
A crest is a design that is the symbol of a noble family, a town, or an organization.
e.g. On the wall is the family crest.
1. 波峰:波的最高点叫做波峰(crest),而最低点叫做波谷(trough),两个连续的(consecutive)的波峰和波谷之间的距离叫做波长wavelength. 一个完整的振动波长叫做周期,周期一般用时间来表示. 一秒内完成的周期数叫做频率frequency. 频率由Hz来衡量.
2. 峰:一个褶皱中的最高点不一定就是它的轴脊或轴线,褶皱中的最高点名叫褶峰(crest)其最低点名叫褶谷(trough),见图16. 岩层经过褶皱以后,可以向上凸出,也可以向下凹下,於是我们可以把褶皱分成两大类. 一种名为背斜层(anticline),
3. 嵴:表膜是由许多螺旋状的条纹联结而成,每一个表膜条纹的一边有向内的沟(groove),另一边有向外的嵴(crest). 一个条纹的沟与其邻接条纹的嵴相关联(似关节). 眼虫生活时,表膜条纹彼此相对移动,可能是由于嵴在沟中滑动的结果.
Many were vain enough to have these armorial crests..but Sir Lancelot always contented himself with a bare helmet.
出自:T. H. WhiteBroad battlements Crested the bulwark.