英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:31:50


英 [krəˈʃendəʊ]

美 [krəˈʃendoʊ]


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名词复数: crescendos 过去式: crescendoed 过去分词: crescendoed 现在分词: crescendoing 第三人称单数: crescendoes

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1. (music) a gradual increase in loudness


1. grow louder

e.g. The music crescendoes here


1. gradually increasing in volume

1. 逐渐增强的喧闹声;噪声的最高点
A crescendo is a noise that gets louder and louder. Some people also use crescendo to refer to the point when a noise is at its loudest.

e.g. She spoke in a crescendo: 'You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!'...
e.g. The crescendo of noise was continuous...

2. 最大强度;渐强;顶点
People sometimes describe an increase in the intensity of something, or its most intense point, as a crescendo .


e.g. There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism...
e.g. And now the story reaches a crescendo.

3. (音乐的)渐强部分,高潮
In music, a crescendo is a section of a piece of music in which the music gradually gets louder and louder.


1. 渐强:有些学生弹奏渐强(Crescendo)时,容易带着渐快;而在渐弱(Diminuendo)时,则带着渐慢,这是不对的. 有很多曲子在Accelerando时容易被误弹成渐强,这也是不对的. 若是没有渐强的记号时,就得保持该乐句的强主工,只是加快而已,

2. 渐强或渐弱:Create 建立,创造 | Crescendo 渐强或渐弱 | Crispness 清脆感

3. (缩写为cresc.)渐强:Piano subito (缩写为p sub.)突然转弱 | Crescendo (缩写为cresc.)渐强 | Decrescendo (缩写为decresc.)渐弱

  • 经典引文

  • The shock..coming at the end of a long crescendo of excitement, cut the last binding thread of self-control.

    出自:J. B. Priestley
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Popular antipathy to the Banks, which reached a crescendo earlier this year during the bonus season, may in fact be a bit misplaced.(对于银行普遍的厌恶实际上也许是个误解,但这种厌恶情绪在今年年初发奖金期间达到了顶峰。)
There was a crescendo of press criticism.(媒体的批评逐渐升温。)
For the RH octave melody of bars 33-35, be sure not to play with any crescendo, especially the last G.(第33-35小节的右手八度旋律,要确保不要弹成渐强,尤其是最后的g音。)
She spoke in a crescendo: "You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!"(她嗓门越来越高地喊道:“你这个坏丫头!你这个恶丫头!你真恶毒!”)
And while the car remains silent, the noise is your head begins to increase. The internal chatter is reaching an unpleasant crescendo.(车子仍然很安静,唯一的噪音就是你的头脑开始变大。)
In truth, bear markets often end not in a crescendo of selling but a cloud of indifference.(事实上,熊市的终点往往不是抛售行为的加剧,而是漠然情绪的升温。)
Voices rose in a crescendo and drowned him out.(人们讲话的声音越来越大,盖过了他的声音。)
Find a phrase and structure it in a repetitive format that strikes the cadence of a drummer, building to a crescendo ending of a motivational speech.(使用排比句,使之听起来像鼓手打鼓那般有节奏感,使用渐次加强的语气来结束一场激动人心的演讲。。)
Let's create a crescendo of appreciation.(让我们创造一个赞美的趋势吧。)
There are few exceptions to this rule, and sometimes a crescendo is marked after an appoggiatura or dissonance;(对这些规则有少数例外,有时在一个倚音或不谐和音后面标一个渐强记号;)
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