Yet, they have brought the great festival to countries where they served and brought the same warmth and conviviality to foreign people with whom they worked together.(但是,他们把春节带到了海外,与外籍员工一起,感受不同地区那同样的温情与欢乐……)
This the Captain, in a moment of uncommon conviviality, had confided to Walter and his Uncle, between the repetitions of lovely Peg, on the night when Brogley the broker was paid out.(这些轶事是船长那天晚上把钱支付给经纪人布罗格里之后,反复唱那支《佩格姑娘》曲子的中间,在非常欢乐的时刻讲给沃尔特和他舅舅听的。)
When it comes to food, wine and conviviality, the Spanish seem to have it nailed.(当谈到食物、葡萄酒和宴会的时候,西班牙人看起来似乎很在行。)
It’s this conviviality that Chinar’s owners are trying to recapture — if in a more modern way.(契纳尔的老板正是想抓住这个商机,不过是用了一种更现代的方式。)
The dining table is long, and set with English China and Mexican glassware, wonderful odd serving dishes, chairs arranged surprisingly close, in a way that suggests warmth and conviviality.(餐桌很长,摆放着英式瓷器和墨西哥的玻璃器皿,以及造型怪异又精美的碟子,椅子摆放得格外密集,显示出曾经的亲密和融洽。)
But "Conviviality," she explained, is "just a scheduled social time" - an opportunity for people to meet and talk.(但是“宴会宴饮交际”,她解释到,是“一个安排中的社交时间”———个跟其他人见面和交谈的机会。)
She confessed that the "Conviviality" segment on our itinerary was a mystery to counselors and participants alike.(她坦白,我们旅程中的“宴饮交际”部分对筹办者和参与者来说都是一个难以理解的事。)
If the wine industry does not adapt to climate change, life will go on — with less conviviality and pleasure, perhaps, but it will go on.(如果葡萄酒行业不去适应气候变化,生活会继续——也许少了些欢乐和愉悦,但生活会继续。)
The second section mainly elaborates why directs "moral conviviality" into moral education, as a value pursue that can be chosen in the course of morality curriculum development.(第二部分主要阐述了为什么将“道德共生”引入道德教育,以此作为品德课程开发的一种可供选择的价值追求。)
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