副词: convertibly 名词: convertibility
副词: convertibly 名词: convertibility
1. a car that has top that can be folded or removed
2. a sofa that can be converted into a bed
Synonym: sofa bed
3. a corporate security (usually bonds or preferred stock) that can be exchanged for another form of security (usually common stock)
Synonym: convertible security
1. capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy
e.g. is lead really transmutable into gold?
ideas translatable into reality
Synonym: transformabletranslatabletransmutable
2. capable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value
e.g. convertible securities
Synonym: exchangeable
3. designed to be changed from one use or form to another
e.g. a convertible sofa
a convertible coupe
1. 敞篷车;折篷汽车
A convertible is a car with a soft roof that can be folded down or removed.
e.g. Her own car is a convertible Golf.
2. (投资工具、货币等)可兑换的,可转换的
In finance, convertible investments or money can be easily exchanged for other forms of investments or money.
e.g. ...the introduction of a convertible currency.
1. 敞篷车:克莱斯勒集团在萨尔蒂约和托卢卡设有制造厂,生产道奇Ram皮卡和HEMI发动机(萨尔蒂约制造厂)以及克莱斯勒PT Cruiser和克莱斯勒PT Cruiser敞篷车( Convertible)(托卢卡制造厂).
2. 敞篷车款:它惊人的外表之下是绝对的力量,双门轿跑车(Coupe)在5,8秒就可轻松提速到,100公里/小时,敞篷车款(Convertible)也仅需6.2秒. 绝对一流的豪华舒适和驾驶乐趣,使BMW6系列为7系列等级的车主在豪华轿车之外提供了一个具有极大吸引力的选择.
3. 跑车:实际上,XKR 双门轿车 (Coupe) 和敞篷跑车 (Convertible) 新的铝质底盘与他们所替代的钢质底盘明显更轻、更坚固. 4.2升超动力 V8 汽车发动机 (420bhp) 使 Jaguar XKR 只需要4.9秒 (XKR Coupe) 就可以实现0至60英里/小时加速,
4. convertible:conv; 可转换的