connect to

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connect to

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:07:14
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句
connect to

1. Few places are as geographically blessed as Guangxi to connect China by sea with those destinations.

2. Li had attached his own telephone wire to his neighbor's, which meant that whenever he made a call it would connect via his neighbor's phone.

3. A rail line will be built to connect the airport with the city center, according to a plan approved by the National Development and Reform Commission.

4. The search engine is placed in the center to connect information creators and consumers.

5. What makes his work truly unique is Ron's ability to reach deep within his spirit to project pure charisma and connect with his audiences.

6. The real opportunity for Chinese consumer brands is to draw values from China's rich classical tradition and innovate brand propositions that connect to these values.

7. Cell adhesion proteins play a vital role in the developing brain, allowing neurons to migrate to the correct places and connect with other neurons.

8. It's unlikely he had any inkling these magic beans would grow to connect the tiny remote village to the country's giant coffee industry.

9. In general, direct coherence is used to connect two strokes in cursive and running hand.

10. All the roads connect to the edge of the city, while arteries and tributaries are properly combined.

1. HE200 The italki Teaching Platform, is a system that allows teachers and students to connect, schedule lessons, and transfer payments.

2. connect to的翻译

2. This product cure illness the mechanism of the health care is:The jade can lower a, stabilizing the brain to press, the jade implies beneficial and various chemical elements of human body, person's brain connect the Cape jade and will produce the static electricity magnetic field, can dredge the axis veins and arteries of the brain; A behavior of each jade brain of the jade pillow orders contact more, have the function of stimulate the massage to the brain nerve acupuncture points, and can promote cerebral blood circulation, thus rise the town to calm down to tranquilize the nerves, dredge the veins and arteries, annoy the blood flowing freely, internal organs Anne and of function.


3. 3Ground from the power cord will connect directly to the Ground bus.

4. Finally, the research achievements failed to connect with each other effectively.

5. For example, CheckPoint failed to connect on line for the second and third tries due to quality reasons.

6. Automatically try to connect to your FTP server if initial attempts to connect failed.

7. The connect system call failed while attempting to connect to the daemon on all of the servers in use.


8. But our intelligence community failed to connect those dots.

9. Failed to connect login server try again?

10. Error (380)— failed to connect to the gameguard update server.
错误代码380 无法连接gameguard的升级程序。

11. connect to的解释

11. A virtual engine was set up by MVEM and dedicated engine module base offered by AMESim, The interface modules in software AMESim and the Simulink were used to connect the features of the two softwares., The overall control system was set up in Simulink. The AMESim and Simulink corporation simulation model for CNG engine electronic controlling system was completed.

12. connect to

12. However, I did have some idea about how those finacial Journalist works: found out rips from public information, did there endeavor to connect with people in the known. And dig out the facts, got close to truth.

13. connect to

13. If you can connect to the network, your data is temporarily stored in the network to another computer in general can be.

14. PR Newswire is the official news service for NATPE 2006 and can connect your message to all your critical audiences including: Media covering the event, Newspapers, Industry and Trade publications, Television and Radio newsrooms, Thousands of Web sites, databases, and online services, Prospective Customers and Business Partners, and Industry and Financial Analysts with direct posting to the Thomson First Call network for public companies.
PR Newswire 是 NATPE2006的官方新闻服务商,可以将你传递给重要观众的信息直接传递给面向公共企业的 Thomson First Call 电视网。重要的观众包括:覆盖事件的媒体,报纸,行业和贸易出版物,电视和电台新闻间,数以千计的网站,数据库,在线服务,预期客户和商业伙伴,以及工业和金融分析家。

15. connect to是什么意思

15. Romanian workers to explain to us later: This may be because the AGP slot is not a good quality, in the plug of the pin after the injury there, and combined with our relatively thin PCB graphics card, plug in again after the finger is not and an internal slot to connect all the pins.

16. Will you connect this wire to the television?

17. connect to

17. During experiment researches, an impedance converter is designed to connect the standard port with the antenna input port, and the method of comparing with standard linear polarized antenna is used to measure array antenna circular polarized gain.

18. However, we have searched the stables there and found nothing to connect him with this business.

19. It has been reported that it is mainly the β3 subunit that connect to cytoskeleton components.

20. The freedom to connect is like the freedom of assembly, only in cyberspace.

  • 临近词
I have one more person to connect to.(我还有一个人要联系。)
Both the iPhones and the iPod Touch devices can connect to the Internet through campus wireless networks.(iPhone和iPodTouch都可以通过校园无线网络连接到互联网。)
In Figure 1, clients can connect to any member.(在图1中,客户端能够连接到任何一个成员。)
It's about how the data connect to each other.(这与数据如何相互联系有关。)
Next, connect to the database.(接下来,连接该数据库。)
If this happens, you could point out that screen dance offers other ways for dancers to connect to their audience.(如果这种情况发生,你可以指出屏幕舞还为舞者提供了与观众产生联系的其他方式。)
Connect to what you already know.(与你所知道的知识联系起来。)
Location-based services are popular because people want to know what's good in their local area, and they want to connect to people around them.(基于位置的服务很受欢迎,因为人们想要知道他们本地地区有什么好东西,而且他们想要与其周围的人们取得联系。)
Connect to stop node to end this exercise.(连接到结束节点完成这个练习。)
Each turbine will be mounted on a tower which will connect to the national power supply grid via underwater cables.(每个涡轮机将被安装在一个塔上,塔将通过水下电缆连接到国家电网。)
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