Objective To study the effect of homologous conjunctiva and corneal limbus transplantation for ocular chemical burn.(目的探讨异体结膜联合角膜缘部移植术治疗重度眼部化学伤的疗效。)
The reason that was failure is scar of between sclera lamella and bulber conjunctiva.(手术失败的主要原因是巩膜瓣间、球结膜瘢痕化。)
The conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the eyes) and internal organs may also be affected.(结膜(眼睛上覆盖的一层膜)及内脏也可能会受影响。)
Conclusion: the stability of tear film decreases and the epithelia of cornea and conjunctiva destructs in diabetic patients.(结论:糖尿病患者泪膜稳定性下降,角、结膜上皮损害。)
Objective To research the method of rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through the combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva .(目的:探索利用经外眦及结膜联合入路下睑年轻化美容整形术的方法。)
Cornea and conjunctiva structures were evaluated by light and electron microscopy.(用光镜和电镜观测角膜及结膜的结构。)
The lesions were found in the conjunctiva, episclera, cornea, iris, lens, vitreous, and retina.(病变见于结膜,上巩膜,角膜,虹膜,晶状体,玻璃体和视网膜。)
They are caused by bleeding between the conjunctiva and the sclera.(它们是由结膜和巩膜间的出血造成的。)
The most common bacteria isolated from the conjunctiva are small Numbers of coagulase-negative staphylococcus and diphtheroids.(从结膜最常分离的细菌包括少量的凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌和类白喉菌属。)
The ocular surface consists of the tear film, the epithelia of the cornea and conjunctiva.(眼表由角膜上皮、结膜上皮及表面的泪膜共同组成。)
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