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更新时间:2025-03-10 23:06:40

英 [ˌkɒndɪˈsend]

美 [ˌkɑ:ndɪˈsend]




名词: condescender 过去式: condescended 过去分词: condescended 现在分词: condescending 第三人称单数: condescends

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1. treat condescendingly

Synonym: patronizepatronise

2. debase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way

e.g. I won't stoop to reading other people's mail

Synonym: stooplower oneself

3. do something that one considers to be below one's dignity

Synonym: deigndescend

4. behave in a patronizing and condescending manner

1. 屈尊;俯就;降低身份
If someone condescends to do something, they agree to do it, but in a way which shows that they think they are better than other people and should not have to do it.

e.g. When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.

2. 表现出高人一等;盛气凌人
If you say that someone condescends to other people, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they behave in a way which shows that they think they are superior to other people.

e.g. Don't condescend to me.

1. 屈尊:condense 使简洁,缩短 | condescend 屈尊 | condole 同情,慰问

2. 谦逊:condensible 可压缩的 | condescend 谦逊 | condescendence 起诉书

3. 屈尊、府就:ascend 攀登、上升 | condescend 屈尊、府就 | descendant 后代

4. 睥睨:2 Chrome Mox 五彩玛珂 | 4 Condescend 睥睨 | 1 Crucible of Worlds 世间锤炼

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1. condescend upon : 对...详加说明;

  • Thay [singers] condiscend sa weill in ane accord.

    出自:G. Douglas
  • The three estates..together condescended to the raising of an army.

    出自:W. Drummond
  • He was resolved to condescend no further to the whims of a person.

    出自:W. Godwin
  • 近义词
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  • 临近词
Many critics attended the movie and prepared to condescend, but the movie could not be dismissed: it was so joyous and original that even the early reviews acknowledged it as something special.(许多评论家屈尊出席了首映礼。尽管如此,人们却不能无视它的存在:影片欢快无比,又创意十足,连时评也不得不承认它与众不同。)
Would you condescend to accompany me?(你肯屈尊陪我吗?)
Welcome old and new customers to condescend to inquire and come over heartily!(热忱欢迎新老客户垂询光临!)
No matter when, it is what Merrill Lynch CARES about that the customer CARES about, welcome the incoming telegram to condescend to inquire.(无论何时,客户所关心的就是美林所关心的,欢迎来电垂询。)
Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.(要彼此同心。不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。(人或作事)不要自以为聪明。)
I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department.(我但愿他不要假惺惺的纡尊降贵接近部门的低级员工。)
Such, moreover, is the complexity of life, that when we condescend upon details in our advice, we may be sure we condescend on error;(这样,而且,是生命的复杂性,即当我们在我们的建议详情垂询,我们可以肯定我们在错误屈尊;)
Lucky every months will condescend to come, but if you didn't fix to go to greet it, may lose it hand over arm.(幸运每个月都会降临,但是如果你没有准备去迎接它,就可能失之交臂。)
The law takes into consideration the majority of cases, the typical and average situation, but it cannot condescend upon particulars.(法律所考虑的是多数案件,亦即典型的和一般的情形,但法律对特殊的情况却无法加以说明。)
Reactions that betray disapproval, embarrassment, impatience, or boredom block communication, as do any behaviors that condescend, stereotype, criticize, or belittle the patient.(医生如果表现出不以为然、为难、不耐烦或厌恶等反应,就会和做出任何迁就、指责、贬低病人或用老眼光看待病人的行为一样妨碍交流。)
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