Savor the moment, by all means. But don't get complacent.(想方设法地享受这个时刻吧,但不要忘乎所以。)
Yet Mr Erdogan cannot afford to be complacent.(然而Erdogan先生还不能自满。)
But that doesn't mean it can afford to grow complacent.(但这并不意味着谷歌能够骄傲自满。)
But the big Internet firms seem to have been worryingly complacent.(但似乎那些大的网络企业一直都扬扬得意自命不凡。)
We can't grow complacent.(我们不可固步自封。)
This is no time to be complacent.(我们没有时间自满。)
Begin by identifying aspects of the job that you've grown complacent about.(要开始留意到你对工作变得自满的方方面面。)
We must not become complacent about progress.(我们决不能因进步变得自满。)
They get lazy, complacent, and self-satisfied.(他们变的懒惰,自满,自鸣得意。)
We discussed the questions: When were you complacent?(我们讨论过这些问题:你什么时候自满过?)
complacent是什么意思 complacent在线翻译 complacent什么意思 complacent的意思 complacent的翻译 complacent的解释 complacent的发音 complacent的同义词