名词复数: comedies
名词复数: comedies
1. a comic incident or series of incidents
Synonym: drolleryclowningfunniness
2. light and humorous drama with a happy ending
1. 喜剧表演;喜剧成分;喜剧效果
Comedy consists of types of entertainment, such as plays and films, or particular scenes in them, that are intended to make people laugh.
e.g. Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.
e.g. ...a TV comedy series.
2. 喜剧(片)
A comedy is a play, film, or television programme that is intended to make people laugh.
3. 滑稽;诙谐;喜剧性
The comedy of a situation involves those aspects of it that make you laugh.
e.g. Jackie sees the comedy in her millionaire husband's thrifty habits.
4. see also: situation comedy
1. comedy的近义词
1. 喜剧片:下面是笔者按照所收集到的资料中,一些吸纳并谐趣模仿卖座电影的片名,依其类型(genre)/母题(motif)来谈fad words:文艺片(art films)、剧情片(Drama)、melodrama (煽情剧)、喜剧片(comedy)、科幻(Sci-fi)、动作片(action)、惊栗(thri
2. 笑剧:涌进百老汇各剧场观赏消费. 纽约的剧院区介于百老汇( Broadway)到第8大道,以及42街到57街这一区块之间,其中聚集了40多家的戏院. 百老汇剧并非只有音乐剧( Musical),还包含有话剧(drama)和笑剧(Comedy)等近40个戏码经常性演出.
3. [名]喜劇:<>原名<>(Comedy),表明作品结局光明欢乐. 后人为表对诗人敬意,称为<>(Divine Comedy),中文称<>. <>如昏暗的中世纪一道智慧的灵光,光辉可持续永恒. 灵感由此而来的还有黑色电影<>(Seven),
A consent, Knowing aforehand, of our merriment, To dash it like a Christmas comedy.
出自:Love's Labour's Lost,ShakespeareA pleasant Comedie entituled Hey for Honesty..translated out of Aristophanes his Plutus.
出自:T. RandolphAll comedies are ended by a marriage.
出自:ByronThe workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh.
这个工作室研究各种各样的喜剧, 并练习许多不同的方法来让人们发笑。