come to light

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come to light

更新时间:2024-04-30 09:53:30

英 [kʌm tu: lait]

美 [kʌm tu laɪt]

come to light基本解释

显露; 出现; 为众人所知


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. be revealed or disclosed

e.g. The truth finally came to light

Synonym: come to hand

1. 显露出来,暴露 after another一个接一个地,连续不断地 | 21.come to light显露出来,暴露 | 23.tell...apart一再;多次;反复

2. 显露出来,出现:stopwatch n. 跑表;记秒表 | come to light 显露出来,出现 | per prep. 每,一

3. 显露;为人所知:stop-watch n.秒表;跑表 | come to light 显露;为人所知 | maximum n.最大的量、体积、强度等

4. 真相大白;显露:come to an end 结束 | come to light 真相大白;显露 | come true 梦想成真

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
All secrets may eventually come to light.(所有?z密最后总会曝光。)
The facts surrounding the murder have finally come to light.(有关这起谋杀案的实情终于被揭发开来。)
Some new information has come to light about the accident.(关于那次事故,已经了解到一些新的情况。)
The rewards of all your hard work likely will finally come to light.(你的所有努力最终得到较好的回报。)
Recently, the secrets of the Royal family have come to light.(最近,皇室的秘密被公开了。)
There are several ways that a "vanished twin" can come to light.(“消逝的孪生同胞”会以各种方式出现。)
New facts about ancient Egypt have recently come to light.(最近刚刚发现了关于古埃及的一些新事实。)
Secrets come to light and key figures made to answer for their actions.(秘密逐一见光,大人物要为行动解说。)
It has now come to light that he was financially backed by some interest group.(人们刚刚得知,他受到了某个利益集团的经济支持。)
New evidence has come to light .(有新的证据出现了。)
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