Temple teamed with Bill Robinson in four movies, and their dance on the stairs in The Little Colonel is still a legendary film moment.(邓波儿与比尔·罗宾逊合作了四部电影,而他们在《小上校》中在楼梯上的舞蹈至今仍然是电影里的传奇时刻。)
Mills was regimental colonel.(米尔斯曾是上校团长。)
There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past.(病房里有许多病人,他最近的一位病人是与他的过去无关的诺维尔·布利斯上校。)
In 1842, two army officers, Colonel Charles Stoddart and Captain Arthur Conolly, were beheaded here in public.(1842年,查尔斯·斯托达特上校和亚瑟·康诺利上尉两名军官在这里被当众斩首。)
Colonel Qaddafi was never mentioned by name.(卡扎菲上校的名字根本未被提起过。)
I also asked Jeff to talk to Colonel Holmes.(我也请求杰夫与霍尔姆斯上校谈谈。)
Colonel Qaddafi called his withdrawal tactical.(陆军上校卡扎菲声称他的撤退是战略。)
The colonel was decorated for bravery, having fought off the enemy.(上校因击退敌人而被授予英勇勋章。)
Even bunkered in his Bab al-Aziziya military base, the colonel maintained his strategic depth.(即使在阿齐齐亚兵营军事基地藏身,上校仍保持着战略纵深。)
The colonel ordered, "I want two good engines down here asap."(上校命令道:“我要两台好的发动机尽快到这儿”。)
colonel是什么意思 colonel在线翻译 colonel什么意思 colonel的意思 colonel的翻译 colonel的解释 colonel的发音 colonel的同义词