形容词: cleavable 过去式: cleft/cleaved/clove 过去分词: cleft/cleaved/cloven 现在分词: cleaving 第三人称单数: cleaves
形容词: cleavable 过去式: cleft/cleaved/clove 过去分词: cleft/cleaved/cloven 现在分词: cleaving 第三人称单数: cleaves
1. come or be in close contact with
stick or hold together and resist separation
e.g. The dress clings to her body
The label stuck to the box
The sushi rice grains cohere
Synonym: clingadherestickcohere
2. separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
e.g. cleave the bone
Synonym: splitrive
3. make by cutting into
e.g. The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock
1. 劈开;砍开
To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently.
e.g. They just cleave the stone along the cracks.
2. 坚守;信守;忠于
If someone cleaves to something or to someone else, they begin or continue to have strong feelings of loyalty towards them.
e.g. She has cleaved to these principles all her life...
e.g. He still clove to this ideal.
1. 顺劈斩:作为一个战士的爱好者,也向大家介绍一个solo时的小窍门(可能很多人都熟知这个):当面对两个或以上的目标时,使用横扫攻击(Sweeping strikes)后,再使用顺劈斩(Cleave),会对当前目标造成2次伤害,而对邻近目标造成3次伤害.
2. 劈:顺劈(Cleave),不断地顺劈把食尸鬼砍成了肉块儿,四处飞溅. 正在这时,桥对面涌现了更多的食尸鬼,在这紧要关头,Sparker纵身一跃(Leap),跳到了桥中间. 前面一劈,转身一砍,加上不断的跳跃攻击(Leap),这简直就是一夫当关,确切地说是当两关!
3. 分裂攻击:Howl 或 Hot 恐怖嚎叫 | Cleave 分裂攻击 | Bof 火焰喷吐
Abraham..claue the wood.
出自:Bible (AV): GenesisCleaving the forests, deep valleys ran down to the sea.
出自:R. MacaulayWater in small quantity cleaveth to any thing that is solid.
出自:BaconMore closely than ever did she cleave to the side of her mistress.
出自:L. StracheyThe English translations cleave to an early stage of Freud's thought.
出自:B. Bettelheim