英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:12:00
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clear out的反义词


1. empty completely

e.g. We cleaned out all the drawers

Synonym: clean out

2. clear out the chest and lungs

e.g. This drug expectorates quickly

Synonym: expectoratedrive out

3. move out and leave nothing behind

1. 滚开;滚出去
If you tell someone to clear out of a place or to clear out, you are telling them rather rudely to leave the place.

clear out在线翻译

e.g. She turned to the others in the room. 'The rest of you clear out of here.'...
e.g. 'Clear out!' he bawled. 'Private property!'

2. 清理,整理(容器、房间等)
If you clear out a container, room, or house, you tidy it and throw away the things in it that you no longer want.

e.g. I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left.

1. 把...清出(或出空):clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等) | clear out 把...清出(或出空) | clear up 消除(误会等整理

2. 彻底清理:128. after class 课后 | 129. clear out 彻底清理 | 130. clear up整理;完成;收拾

3. clear out的意思

3. 清除:clear off 清除 | clear out 清除 | clear outline 清除分级显示

4. clear out

4. 离开;把...清出(或出空):clear away把...除掉 | clear out 离开;把...清出(或出空) | clear up变晴

If you lose your cell, the thief can text Hubbyfor a "forgotten" PIN and then use your bank card to clear out youraccount.(如果你丢了电话,小偷能发信息给你丈夫,问“忘记了”的个人识别码,然后用你的银行卡扫荡你的帐户。)
Clear out what are your obligations.(明确哪些事情是你必须做的。)
She turned to the others in the room. "The rest of you clear out of here."(她转向房间里的其他人,“你们其余的人都滚出去!”)
Sometimes you need to clear out the cache yourself.(有时需要自己清除缓存。)
Axel was helping her clear out her apartment in San Francisco when he heard he had won the Nobel Prize.(阿克塞尔得知自己获得诺贝尔奖后帮助她清空了旧金山的公寓。)
Because of fuzzy boundaries between WLAN stations, the WLAN link layer has a protocol to clear out an area before transmission.(由于WLAN工作站之间的模糊边界,wlan链路层拥有在传送前清除一个区域的协议。)
I've cleared out my wardrobe and book shelf (more editing required) and now it's time to clear out the rest!(我开始沉迷于这种想法(这是一个健康的瘾).我已经清理了我的衣柜和书架(需要更多的编辑)现在该清理剩下的了!)
Here is how it usually goes: make sure that you really want to do it, clear out the distractions, just start it etc.(这就是通常的说法:确定你真的想要做它,清除干扰,并且开始做它,等等。)
Only one hint can be active at a time, and sync instructions, among other things, clear out any active hint.(一次只能有一个提示是活动的,与其他情况一样,sync指令会清除任何活动提示。)
Clear out your inbox. I get joy out of an empty inbox, whether that's my email inbox or physical one.(如果收件箱空空荡荡的我也会感到开心,无论是我自己的邮件或者系统邮件。)
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