v.计算;做算术;将 ... 写成密码
过去式: ciphered 过去分词: ciphered 现在分词: ciphering 第三人称单数: ciphers
v.计算;做算术;将 ... 写成密码
过去式: ciphered 过去分词: ciphered 现在分词: ciphering 第三人称单数: ciphers
1. a message written in a secret code
Synonym: cypher
2. a secret method of writing
Synonym: cyphercryptographsecret code
3. a person of no influence
Synonym: cyphernobodynonentity
4. a quantity of no importance
e.g. it looked like nothing I had ever seen before
reduced to nil all the work we had done
we racked up a pathetic goose egg
it was all for naught
I didn't hear zilch about it
Synonym: nothingnilnixnadanullaughtcyphergoose eggnaughtzerozilchzipzippo
5. a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number
Synonym: zero0noughtcypher
1. make a mathematical calculation or computation
Synonym: calculatecyphercomputework outreckonfigure
2. convert ordinary language into code
e.g. We should encode the message for security reasons
Synonym: codeenciphercypherencryptinscribewrite in code
1. 密码;暗号
A cipher is a secret system of writing that you use to send messages.
e.g. ...converting their messages into ciphers.
e.g. ...a cipher clerk.
2. 无足轻重的人;走狗;小兵小卒
If you describe someone as a cipher, you mean that they have no power and are used by other people to achieve a particular purpose.
e.g. He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer's commands.
1. 零:在英语里,零(cipher)、计算法(algorithm)、代数学(algebra)、对数(logarithm)、不尽根(surd)、正弦(sine)等词汇都是从阿拉伯语音译过去的. 天文学:在天文学领域,穆斯林天文学家最先提出了地球绕太阳运转的学说,
2. 密文:XTEA是Roger Needham和David Wheeler于1997年开发的公用分组密码算法,使用128位密钥,具有64位密文(cipher),以紧凑、简洁而著称. XTEA非常适合于主要使用汇编语言的处理器. 类似图2所示的简单解码电路是嵌入式系统安全方案的良好起点.
3. 加密算法:明文(Plaintext)通过加密算法(Cipher)处理后的结果. 一种允许在web服务器和外部程序之间使用外部程序响应请求的接口的标准定义. 此接口最早由(美国)国家计算机安全协会(NCSA)制定,另外还有一个RFC项目.
He was..a cipher in the home.
出自:P. G. Wodehouse