choke off

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choke off

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:02:30

英 [tʃəuk ɔf]

美 [tʃok ɔf]

choke off基本解释

使 ... 中断; 停止; 使窒息


  • 英英释义
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choke off的解释


1. suppress

e.g. He choked down his rage

Synonym: choke downchoke back

2. become or cause to become obstructed

e.g. The leaves clog our drains in the Fall
The water pipe is backed up

Synonym: clogclog upback upcongestchokefoul

1. 阻塞:1.阻塞 choke off | 2.蒸汽机 steam engine | 3.在...的中间 in the middle of

2. 把...闷死, 勒死, 绞死:doldrums n.赤道无风带 | choke off 把...闷死, 勒死, 绞死 | unsettling a.使人不安的

3. choke off

3. 阻止:choke on被. . . 哽住 | choke off阻止 | chime in 加入,插嘴

4. 使...中断,责备:1353choke down匆忙或费力的咽下去,忍住 | 1354choke off使...中断,责备 | 1355choke up说不出话来

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Smoking is harmful, and I have to choke my husband off.(吸烟是有害的,我不得不强行阻止我丈夫。)
Power supergrid plan to protect Europe from Russian threat to choke off energy(在确信必须摆脱对俄罗斯和东欧的能源依赖之后,欧盟委员会在其第二份《战略性能源评估报告》中发布了超级电网计划和其他一系列创造更多能源供给渠道的措施。)
Smaller Asian navies are expanding as a counterbalance to the big powers, and they have an interest in keeping hands off the choke-point of the Malacca Strait.(其他亚洲小型海军的扩张,只是为了保持与大国的军事平衡,它们愿意把手从马六甲海峡的瓶颈处移开。)
"Success breeds inequality, and you don't want to choke off success," he adds.(“成功会导致不平等,你当然不想扼杀成功,”他补充说。)
The problem is that the boundaries most people want to draw would choke off the freedom of literature to be what it can be, in all its inventiveness and capacity to be agitated.(问题是,大多数人想划分的界限,会窒息文学的自由:成为它可以成为的东西的自由,以其一切创造性和能力令人流动不安的自由。)
Both should choke off inflation.(两者都能遏制通货膨胀。)
The observations, reported by two separate teams online today in Nature, could explain why drugs designed to choke off blood to brain tumors often fail.(这一由两个不同的团队提出的发现今天被《自然》杂志在线报道,这也许可以解释为什么试图切断脑部肿瘤血液供应的药物并不起作用。)
Increasing development is leading toward a crisis for the pronghorn, threatening to choke off their passageway.(对叉角羚来说,蒸蒸日上的发展正在导致一场危机,那可能会堵塞它们的通道。)
Just as parasites do, cancer depends on its host for sustenance, which is why treatments that choke off tumors can be so effective.(和寄生虫一样,癌细胞依赖于宿主而获得营养成分,这也是扼杀肿瘤的这种治疗手段会如此有效的原因。)
Some people want to choke off the very thing that makes us strong and unique.(“有些人想切断非常的事,令我们强烈而独特的”。)
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