英语单词分类 轻松记单词

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过去式: chased 过去分词: chased 现在分词: chasing 第三人称单数: chases

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  • 打猎,追猎
  • 追求
  • 追击,追逐,追赶
  • 槽,沟
  • 被追猎的动物
  • 被追逐的人
  • 狩猎地,猎场
  • 管子槽,水管槽
  • 暗管
  • 蔡斯(音译名)
  • 竖沟
  • 前身
  • 炮身
  • 蔡斯(Salmon Portland,1808-1873,美国政治家及法学家,于1864-1873为美国最高法院大法官)
  • 追捕,追踪,跟踪,追击
  • 追逐,追赶
  • 奔跑,东奔西跑
  • 催促
  • 赶出,驱逐
  • 追寻,寻找
  • 匆忙地走,急奔,急赶
  • 镂刻,雕镂,刻镶(宝石),雕刻
  • 在(金属上)雕花(作装饰),在(金属上)打出浮凸花样的装饰
  • 用螺纹梳刀刻(螺纹)
  • 追随
  • 在...上开槽
  • 努力获得,争取得到
  • 试图赢得,追求,求爱
  • 把…刻成锯齿形,使成犬牙状
  • 狩猎
  • vt. 追捕,追逐 run after in order to capture or overtake sb/sth
  • vt. 试图赢得 try to win
  • [C]追捕,追猎 an act of chasing sb/sth
  • [S]打猎 the sport of hunting


1. the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture

e.g. the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit

Synonym: pursuitpursualfollowing

2. a rectangular metal frame used in letterpress printing to hold together the pages or columns of composed type that are printed at one time


1. cut a furrow into a columns

Synonym: furrowchamfer

2. cut a groove into

e.g. chase silver

3. go after with the intent to catch

e.g. The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
the dog chased the rabbit

Synonym: chase aftertrailtailtaggive chasedoggo aftertrack

4. pursue someone sexually or romantically

Synonym: chase after

1. 追;赶;撵
If you chase someone, or chase after them, you run after them or follow them quickly in order to catch or reach them.

e.g. She chased the thief for 100 yards...
e.g. He said nothing to waiting journalists, who chased after him as he left.

2. 争取,追逐,追求(工作或金钱等)
If you are chasing something you want, such as work or money, you are trying hard to get it.

e.g. In Wales, 14 people are chasing every job...
e.g. There are too many schools chasing too few pupils.

3. 追求;(向…)求欢
If someone chases someone that they are attracted to, or chases after them, they try hard to persuade them to have a sexual relationship with them.


e.g. I'm not very good at flirting or chasing women...
e.g. 'I was always chasing after unsuitable men,' she says.

4. 撵走;赶走
If someone chases you from a place, they force you to leave by using threats or violence.


e.g. Many farmers will then chase you off their land quite aggressively...
e.g. Angry demonstrators chased him away.

5. 抓住核心;抓住要害
If someone cuts to the chase, they start talking about or dealing with what is important, instead of less important things.

e.g. Hi everyone, we all know why we are here today, so let's cut to the chase.

6. 撤销…的职位;将…赶下台
To chase someone from a job or a position or from power means to force them to leave it.

e.g. His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.

7. 匆忙赶往
If you chase somewhere, you run or rush there.

e.g. They chased down the stairs into the narrow, dirty street.
e.g. ...chasing about late at night in search of life's necessities.

8. 狩猎;猎捕
The chase is the activity of hunting animals.

e.g. ...bear robes, mountain lion hides, and other trophies of the chase.

9. 越野赛马;障碍赛马
Chase is often used in the name of horse races in which the horses have to jump over obstacles such as fences or bushes.

e.g. ...the Champion Hunter Chase.

10. see also: wild goose chase

11. 追逐;追赶;追捕
If you give chase, you run after someone or follow them quickly in order to catch them.

e.g. Other officers gave chase but the killers escaped.

12. 追求过程中的刺激
If you talk about the thrill of the chase, you are referring to the excitement that people feel when they are trying hard to get something.

e.g. People who adore the thrill of the chase know that prizes, like diamonds, are worth striving for.

相关词组:chase awaychase downchase up

1. 跟踪:瑞士资源集团(CRG) 岗位评价因素2、关键业绩指标(KPI)的提炼沟通(COMMUNICATE)的黄金原则C--清楚地(CLEARLY)表达你的要求/指令O--公开(OPEN)讨论M--记录(MAKE)U--评论(UMPIRE)这些信息N--不要(NEVER)假设C--跟踪 (CHASE)反映

2. 追赶:于是出了一个难题. 月亮告诉太阳,她从晚上开始跑,太阳从白天开始追她,如果追到了,月亮就答应这件婚事. 从那天开始,不管太阳跑得多认真,月亮还是跑在他前面远远的地方. 一直到现在,他们还在天上不停的追赶(chase)呢!

3. 追捕:在追捕(chase)过程中,警察击中(puncture)了他们驾驶的车的油箱,因此不得不弃车(abandon)而逃. 3. 他们来到一间房子,踮着脚尖(tiptoe),轻轻溜进(slip)屋子,发现家里人出去度假了.

  • 常用短语

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  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    向某方向急奔 rush or hurry in the specified direction
    chase about〔around〕

    Those children are always chasing about.


  • The cat likes chasing birds.
  • They are chasing their third league title in two years.
  • There was a long chase before the criminal was caught.
  • Do you like riding in the chase?
  • The chase escaped the hunter.
  • The old lady saw the thief running up the street and gave chase on her bicycle.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
  • We were chased by two pirates, who soon overtook us.

  • Chasing each other merrily.

  • I chased with hounds the flying deer.

  • He drank like a fish and was always chasing girls.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  • The Australians chased the 242 runs they needed to win.

    出自:J. Snow
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

chase, follow, pursue, tag, tail, trail
  • 这组词都有“跟随,追踪”的意思。它们的区别是:
  • 1.follow指跟随起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划; 而pursue指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。跟随他人的计划时用follow,追随自己的计划时用pursue。例如:
  • She has pursued the goal of perfection in her art.在艺术中,她追求完美。
  • She pursued the study of French for four years.她坚持学了四年法语。
  • The country has always pursued a policy of peace.该国一直奉行和平政策。
  • 2.chase指迅速追赶在逃的目标以便将其抓获或赶走,而follow则指继之而来或去。tag指不断地纠缠或恼人的尾随某人; tail指紧密尾随并监视; trail指跟踪追击。例如:
  • The dog chased a mouse, but could not catch it.这狗追赶老鼠,但没有捉住。
  • The policeman chased the thief.警察追赶小偷。
  • What are you tagging along for?You aren't invited.你怎么跟着我?又没邀请你。
  • The detective tailed the thief through the crowd.侦探在人群中跟踪小偷。
  • The hunter trailed the wounded buffalo through the bush.猎人穿过灌木林追猎受伤的水牛。
  • 3.chase较follow, pursue更具感情色彩,除常表示不友好之外,其行动也可能是出于嬉戏或高兴。还可表示一种热切的,为满足情欲而进行的搜寻。例如:
  • The boy chased his playmate around the block.那个男孩绕着街区追逐他的玩伴。
  • He is the man who chased after woman all his life.他就是那个一生都在追求女人的男子。
    • ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的chacier,意为抓住;最初源自通俗拉丁语的captiare,意为追随。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.chase

    As I watch her chase after a squirrel, throwing her whole being into the here-and-now of an exercise that has never once ended in victory, she reminds me, too, that no matter how harsh or unpredictable the future, there's almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment.

    当我看着她追着一只松鼠, 全身心投入到这场从未以胜利告终的运动中时, 她也提醒着我, 无论未来有多么艰难或不可预测, 几乎总会有某种程度的快乐可以从此刻获得。


    The movie has a car chase to end all car chases.(这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。)
    The Assassins chase Pinocchio, catch him, and hang him to the branch of a giant oak tree.(刺客们追上皮诺乔,抓住他,把他挂在一棵大橡树的树枝上。)
    Some experts worry that Yellen will be inclined to chase unemployment to the neglect of inflation.(一些专家担心耶伦将倾向于追求解决失业而忽视通货膨胀。)
    Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist.(他不是简单的追逐中的猎物,而是一个扭曲但清晰的对手。)
    He was reluctant to give up the chase.(他很不情愿放弃追赶。)
    We gave chase along the footpath.(我们开始沿小路追赶。)
    My job was to chase up late replies.(我的工作是催促迟迟不送回来的答复。)
    He likes to chase cows and horses.(他喜欢追赶牛马。)
    Chase offers a chip-enabled card under its own brand and several others for travel-related companies such as British Airways and Ritz-Carlton.(大通银行为英国航空公司和丽兹卡尔顿酒店等旅游相关公司提供自己品牌和其他品牌的芯片信用卡。)
    Far from giving up the chase, this only spurred them on.(这非但没有使他们放弃追逐,反而激励了他们。)
    chase是什么意思 chase在线翻译 chase什么意思 chase的意思 chase的翻译 chase的解释 chase的发音 chase的同义词