cash down

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cash down

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:00:08

英 [kæʃ daun]

美 [kæʃ daʊn]

cash down基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 即付,付现:CASH DIVIDEND 现金股利 | CASH DOWN 即付,付现. | CASH EQUIVALENT VALUE 现金等值,现金相等价值.


2. 用现金支付:carve up 瓜分,划分 | cash down 用现金支付 | cash in on 靠...赚钱,乘机利用

3. 即期付款:cash dividend 现金股利 | cash down 即期付款 | cash drain 现金枯竭

4. 以現金付款:cash flow 資金流量 | cash down 以現金付款 | cash box 金庫

  • 临近词
But with many households unable to borrow, others keen to pay down debt and many businesses swimming in cash, lower interest rates are likely to have only a modest effect.(但是由于许多家庭没有能力贷款,其他的家庭强烈要求降低债务,以及企业大量流动资金和低利率也有可能有些间接影响。)
Avoiding PMI The easiest way to avoid PMI is to make a cash down payment of 20% or more.(避免死亡是最容易的死亡方式,避免现金作首付20%或更多。)
It now appears that when companies and consumers acquire cash balances they use them to pay down debt rather than to support spending.(现在看来,当企业和消费者获得现金余额时,他们用这些钱来偿还债务,而不是用于消费。)
Bringing down accounts receivable is a great way to improve a business 'cash flow.(将应收账款降低,是增强企业现金流的好办法。)
Let's say you are spending a boatload on hardware to ramp up your web service's capacity. And it is bringing your cash flow down.(再举个例子,如果你在硬件上花费一大笔钱来提升你网络服务的能力,那么将会使你的现金流下降。)
And as is often the case with renting an apartment, you'll likely have to put down some cash as "security deposit" at the lease inception.(另外,和租借设备时经常遇到的情况一样,在办理租车手续时你还需要拿出钱作为“安全保证金”。)
The dealer reduced the price for cash down.(这家商店对付现金的人减价优惠。)
High debt is a legacy of those deals and makes firms nervous about running down cash or spending more of their profits.(高债务是这些交易的产物,而且公司更害怕现金的减少或开支增加。)
Supply is up, demand is down, and cash offers are a seller's dream come true.(在供给增加需求下降的局势下,现金收购对卖房人而言是梦想成真。)
Other factors are institutional. German mortgage lending is a pretty conservative affair, making it hard for people to get onto the ladder without lots of cash to put down.(另外是制度的影响,德国的按揭贷款相当保守,在没有大量现金的保障下,人们很难买到房子。)
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