Her face was careworn with anxiety.(她因焦虑而面露忧心之色。)
He looked now more careworn and emaciated than as we described him at the scene of Hester's public ignominy;(他此时的样子,比起上次海丝特示众时我们所描绘的,还要疲惫和憔悴;)
The old woman had a careworn look on her face.(老妇脸上露出忧心忡忡的神色。)
He was small for his age, being fourteen, but his face was as lined and careworn as a man of thirty-five.(他十四岁,个子稍矮,但已经是满脸皱纹,好像是饱经风霜的三十五岁的人。)
The Nordic detective is often careworn and rumpled.(北欧的侦探经常疲惫而不修边幅。)
When his toplofty and thin lips closed firmly, two careworn wrinkles were cutting through two sides of his cheek deeply, stretching from his shallow dimples at the corners of the mouth to his chin.(那高傲的薄薄的嘴唇紧紧抿着,从嘴角的微涡起,两条疲倦的皱纹深深地切过两腮,一直延长到下颔。)
Parents are careworn and that is mostly because of kids.(父母们却不是那么自在,绝大多数是因为孩子。)
Kutuzov, looking careworn and weary, was sitting on a bench near the bridge, and playing with a whip on the sand, when a carriage rattled noisily up to him.(阴沉忧郁的库图佐夫坐在桥边一条凳子上,用鞭子玩弄沙土,这时有一辆马车隆隆向他驶来。)
As if to wait for a late returning kid careworn.(像等候一个迟归的亲人。)
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