As thy caitiff carcase soon shall know.(你这匹夫马上就会知道我的厉害。)
I am Robin Hood, as thy carcase soon shall know.(我乃罗宾汉是也,你这匹夫马上就会知道我的厉害。)
I am Robin Hood, as thy caitiff carcase soon shall know.(我是罗宾汉,你这匹夫马上就会知道我的厉害的。)
We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.(我们看见一只秃鹫正在贪婪地啄食腐尸。)
For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.(尸首在那里,鹰也必聚在那里。)
A distinct time related succession of insect community was observed during the decomposing of pig carcase.(尸体上昆虫群落的演替有明显的时间规律可循。)
This is a multi-station hydraulic fatigue test bench for seat. It is able to have fatigue and endurance test for seat, back and carcase of the seat and also crashing test to "H"point and pillow.(多工位液压伺服座椅疲劳耐久试验机,它可以完成对座椅的坐垫、靠背、骨架等进行疲劳试验,还可以进行H点冲击试验及头枕冲击试验。)
The neutral paint colours conceal solid timber drawer and carcase linings with full height walk-in larder and modern double fronted fridges concealed behind traditional featured joinery.(中性油漆的颜色掩盖实木抽屉,储物柜和现代双门冰箱都是传统特色的细木工的杰作。)
Surface panels applied to carcase or other structural frame.(覆盖在构架或其他框架上的面板。)
Why is it not a whole carcase?(为什么不是完整的尸体?)
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