capture the imagination of

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capture the imagination of

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:59:33
  • 单语例句
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1. Their music is a unique combination of international influences, which capture the attention and excite the imagination from the first note.

2. Few things capture the public imagination so much as the hint of sibling rivalry - particularly when it concerns famous sisters.

3. The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys, which have all the necessary ingredients to capture the public imagination.

4. MacKinnon said he believes the sport will capture the imagination of the Chinese public.

5. President Richard Nixon startled the world by visiting China, the boldness of the trip and his meeting with Mao Zedong still capture the imagination.

1. Place yourself into a prayerful atmosphere and as you read this story again let your imagination capture the drama and discover the meaning of the story of Jesus and the blind man for your own life.

2. Bright lights and the rest of all capture our imagination of old Shanghai and enable us to enjoy food happily.

3. Be that as it may, the Chinese literature did, occasionally, capture the imagination of the Western readers and revealed to them the Chinese soul. Until he learns these things, he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man.


4. And no matter what image of Rome you might have from watching the classic movie Roman Holiday or the story of the brave Gladiator, there'll still be interesting sites to capture your imagination.


5. Turn on the television news next Thursday and on display will be the sort of images from China that used to capture the imagination in the days of the Soviet Union.


6. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will be an historical event that will capture the imagination of the world.

7. The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys, which have all the necessary ingredients to capture the public imagination.

  • 临近词
The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys, which have all the necessary ingredients to capture the public imagination.(研究人员对两只棕色的雌性卷尾猴的行为进行了研究。)
The secret lies in the capture of the imagination, for a crowd's momentum can be enhanced or governed by images.(秘诀在于抓住想象力,群众的动力可以提高,也可以被形象所掌控。)
However these fallacies have managed to capture the imagination of people on both sides of the strait.(然而,这些谬论却风靡了海峡两岸。)
For years, they have largely failed to capture the imagination and the support of the masses beyond their regional strongholds of West Bengal and the state of Kerala.(多年以来,他们始终不能超越其在西孟加拉和喀拉拉邦的地区据点,而夺取更多民众的期望和支持。)
And poet Todd Davis, a professor of literature at Penn State University, said this idea of two moons - one essentially swallowing the other - will capture the literary imagination.(宾夕法尼亚州立大学文学教授兼诗人托德·戴维斯称,双月的画面——大月亮最终吞噬小月亮——这样的画面将俘获文人们的心。)
The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys, which have all the necessary ingredients to capture the public imagination. They look cute.(科学家们对雌性棕色卷尾猴的行为进行了研究,此种猴类具有抓住公众想象力的各种必要品质:外表可爱,性格温顺,互相帮助,还欣然分享食物。)
Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams.(在大型技术的创造中,很少有能像大型水坝那样激发人们的想象力。)
Tango will continue to capture the imagination of humans throughout the world. It is by no accident that indeed Tango has so many lovers all around the world.(探戈将继续捕捉全世界人类的想像力。探戈的确在世界各地有这么多的爱好者是绝非偶然的。)
Supermassive black holes, which are the foundation for structure in the universe, went on to capture the imagination of the public and experts alike.(特大质量的黑洞,作为宇宙中的结构的基础,继续同样的捕获着公众和专家们想象。)
A good book can capture the imagination while improving children's knowledge of the world.(一本好书可以启发孩子们的想象力,同时提高他们对世界的认识能力。)
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