by virtue of

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by virtue of

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:58:20

英 [bai ˈvə:tju: ɔv]

美 [baɪ ˈvɚtʃu ʌv]

by virtue of基本解释



  • 网络解释


1. 借助,由于:by the way 顺便说说 | by virtue of 借助,由于 | by way of 经由,通过......方法

2. by virtue of

2. 由于:by turns / / 轮流,交替地 | by virtue of / / 由于 | by way of / / 经由,通过...方式

3. by virtue of什么意思

3. 依靠...;由于,因为:by turns 轮流,交替地 | by virtue of 依靠...;由于,因为 | by way of 通过...方法;经由

4. 凭借,借助;因为:128 by the way 顺便提一下 | 129 by virtue of 凭借,借助;因为, | 130 by way of 经由,通过...方式

  • 临近词
There were various views about what constitutes it, but there was agreement that such an essence exists—that is to say, that there is something by virtue of which man is man.(关于它是由什么构成的,人们有各种不同的看法,但大家一致认为,有这样一种本质是存在的,也就是说,有一种东西可以作为人就是人的依据。)
Simply by virtue of being news sites, they tend to be more similar than they are different.(由于是新闻站点的简略风格,他们喜欢的是统一而不是不同。)
Sculpture and painting, by virtue of never turning off, can pierce the familiarity of their surroundings.(雕塑和绘画,由于它们永远不能被“关掉”的特点,会穿透他们周围环境原本令人熟悉的氛围。)
These can, by virtue of 64-bit registers, perform computations with fewer instructions than with 32-bit registers.(与使用32位的寄存器相比,由于使用了64位的寄存器,要执行相应的计算工作,只需使用更少的指令。)
"For one, the Hubble Space Telescope has weighed in on dark energy by virtue of the measurements of supernovae," he said.(“例如,在超新星测量方面具有优势的哈勃太空望远镜已被用于暗能量项目,”他说。)
Expecting magic to happen just by virtue of bringing the team together in a room to discuss recent events is unrealistic.(指望通过把团队集中在房间里一起讨论近来发生的事情简直就是奇迹,这有点不切实际。)
By virtue of their very design, VoIP services like Skype are inherently more collaborative than old school telephony.(借助他们适当的设计,像Skype这样的VoIP服务本质上比老式的电话通讯更具有协作理念。)
The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail.(该文章因一细节而印入我脑海。)
So there are values only by virtue of life, value is only in life's value, moreover what life values as good is itself.(有通过生命美德所显现的价值,价值只是生命的价值,生命将它本身视为好。)
For example, it would be questionable to use Zachman in a development environment by virtue of its inherent unsuitability.(例如,由于其固有的不适应性,在开发环境中使用Zachman是值得置疑的。)
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