burial chamber

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burial chamber

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:57:55
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. Grave robbers ransacked the burial chamber in ancient times and stole the other objects.

2. The burial chamber contains the sarcophagi of the emperor and five of his consorts.

3. The underground palace where the emperor's burial chamber is located has long been a mystery and speculations as to the exact location abounded.

1. burial chamber什么意思

1. Human remains and burial goods have been decomposed, but some remains of burnt post suggested that a wooden funeral chamber might have existed; postholes and niches were seen in some burials. Burial goods including proto-porcelains, stamped hard pottery and bronze implements.

2. burial chamber的解释

2. The Maidum pyramid stands on the desert's edge in Bein Sueif, 70 kilometers south of Cairo, and is the first Egyptian pyramid with an aboveground burial chamber.

3. Of the tomb's four rooms, only the walls of the burial chamber are decorated.

4. burial chamber

4. Then, you may enter Tal Rasha's Burial Chamber.

5. Like most Jewish tombs of old, that of Lazarus was composed of a vestibule and a burial chamber. Quarried out of the soft rock, the tomb was most likely faced during the Byzantine period with stone or marble-work.

6. But the walls of the boy king's burial chamber remain as they were painted at the time of his death.

7. burial chamber的翻译

7. It was once the centre of Egyptian power, and it`s home to Tutankamun`s burial chamber.

8. It was once the centre of Egyptian power, and it's home to Tutankamun's burial chamber.


9. There was a storage room and the burial chamber where the mummy was laid.

10. Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Khufu's burial chamber had a shaft pointing at Orion's belt.

11. A few months later, a couple of almost comic body thieves stole his body from the family burial chamber and held it for money.

12. Archaeologists found a sarcophagus in the burial chamber.


13. Researchers think that the dark passageways may lead directly to the burial chamber of the pharaoh.


14. A crypt, especially one used for burial under a church. a large cave or a large chamber in a cave.

15. The most ancient form of megalithic construction may be the dolmen, a type of burial chamber consisting of several upright supports and a flat roofing slab.

16. A few months later, a couple of almost comic body-thieves stole his body from the family burial chamber and held it for money: the police recovered it with more efficiency than Max Sennet's clumsy Keystone Cops would have done.

17. If the robot finds Khufu's burial chamber, archaeologists would have to rethink all their Great Pyramid theories.

18. It was once the center of Egyptian power, and it's home to Tutankamun's burial chamber.

19. The central burial chamber was decorated in gold, while the exterior was adorned with ornate stone friezes and sculptures created by four Greek artists.


20. Part four has given an comparatively analysis on the select of burial site, the material and decorate of chamber wall and bier bed, the amount, shape, composition of main chamber of eight emperor burials that have been excavated and published, then concluded the similarities and differences and discussed the reason, at the same time given a aptitude prediction on some unspecific conditions.

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The archeologists found fragments of bone in the burial chamber.(考古学家在墓穴中发现了碎骨片。)
The facts tell a less dramatic story: of the 26 people present at the opening of the burial chamber, only 6 had died within the next 10 years.(事实的真相并不如媒体疯传得那样具有戏剧性:在亲临图坦卡蒙墓开掘现场的26人中,其实只有六个人死于之后的10年内。)
A mummy's burial chamber is even recreated inside.(将这里作为木乃伊的墓室是在合适不过了。)
Of the tomb's four rooms, only the walls of the burial chamber are decorated.(墓内的四个房间,只有墓室的墙面有装饰。)
The setting, under the dome of the old British Museum reading room, is strikingly exploited with ghostly lighting and deep shadows; a mummy's burial chamber is even recreated inside.(在大英博物馆古老阅览室的穹顶之下,游离光线和浓墨般的阴影交织在一起;将这里作为木乃伊的墓室是在合适不过了。)
The mural frescoes (mural painting in tomb chamber) is one of the important data for researching the ancient society's aesthetic consciousness, national spirit, burial custom.(墓室壁画是我们研究古代社会审美风尚、民族风貌、丧葬习俗的重要参考资料。)
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