过去式: bumbled 过去分词: bumbled 现在分词: bumbling 第三人称单数: bumbles
过去式: bumbled 过去分词: bumbled 现在分词: bumbling 第三人称单数: bumbles
1. speak haltingly
e.g. The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room
Synonym: stutterstammerfalter
2. walk unsteadily
e.g. The drunk man stumbled about
Synonym: stumblefalter
3. make a mess of, destroy or ruin
e.g. I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement
Synonym: botchbodgefumblebotch upmuffblowflubscrew upball upspoilmuck upbunglefluffbollixbollix upbollocksbollocks upbobblemishandlelouse upfoul upmess upfuck up
相关词组:bumble around
1. 结结巴巴地说:bubble 气泡;水泡;泡 | bumble 结结巴巴地说 | daub 拙劣的画
2. 拙劣地做:bumbershoot 雨伞 | bumble 拙劣地做 | bumblebee 大黄蜂
3. 跌倒:huddle 挤作一团 | bumble 跌倒 | tumble 摔倒
4. 搞糟:tumble 滚翻 Ambl | bumble 搞糟 Ambl | jumble 搀杂 Ambl