break even

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break even

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:56:22

英 [breik ˈi:vən]

美 [brek ˈivən]

break even基本解释

不赔不赚; 收支相抵


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. attain a level at which there is neither gain nor loss, as in business, gambling, or a competitive sport

2. make neither profit nor loss


1. 收支平衡:假设每年公司工作250天,那要达到收支平衡(break even)的话公司每天应该要至少收入8000元. 有个讽刺咨询师的比喻是说,咨询师是吧客户端手表拿过来然后告诉他们时间的人. 更糟糕的是,咨询师把客户端手表拿走了,还有收钱.

2. 盈亏平衡点:盈亏平衡点(Break even)是固定成本从产品销售中收回固定成本,但并没有产生利润的产品生产数量. 促销和生产都很费钱. 必须找到一个方法来收回这些投资. 营销的整体意义就在于此,即:回收成本、创造利润.

3. break even

3. 不赔不赚:beyond compare 绝佳的、最棒的 | break even 不赔不赚 | by the book 照章办事

4. 不赚 不赔:break bulk 下货,卸货 | break even 不赚 不赔 | break even point 损益 两平

  • 反义词
  • 临近词
"Terminator 2" finally made $200 million, which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture.(《终结者2》的最终票房为两亿美元,被认为是收回了制作成本。)
Last month the postal service issued a report outlining proposals to help it break even and beseeching Congress to approve them.(上个月邮电业发布一则求援报告,并且恳切国会通过。)
In private, European mobile executives will admit that they only just break even on iPhone customer contracts.(欧洲手机行业高管私下里会承认,它们的iPhone客户合同仅是刚刚实现盈亏平衡。)
Give yourself permission to give yourself a break, even a little one.(给自己一个允诺去休息,即使是一小会。)
That 2,717-foot skyscraper may never break even.(那幢2717英尺的摩天大楼的收支可能从来没平衡过。)
Plug in your Numbers, and the calculator tells you how long it would take you to break even if you bought a house.(如果你要购买一栋房子,输入你的数据,此计算器会告诉你需要你花费多久来付清款项。)
The Wallenbergs agreed to fund 3 Scandinavia until 2008, when it is expected to break even.(瓦伦堡家族同意资助斯堪的纳维亚3公司直到2008年,预计那时公司会达到盈亏平衡。)
Often, their charter is simply to break even in the long run, which should give them an edge in times of crisis.(通常,他们的特许执照在长期来看是简单的不赔不赚,在危机时候则让他们处于边缘.)
And he said, Well, if we have a bad year, they break even.(他说:‘哎,要是年景不好,那他们就不赔不赚。’)
Analysts said that many of the oil companies involved in the bidding believed they would struggle to break even under the terms on offer.(分析人士称,许多参与投标的石油公司认为,按照出价条款,他们想收支平衡都难。)
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