As security improves with each night, more and more families flock into the city’s iconic Green Square—now renamed Martyrs’ Square—where Gaddafi once delivered his bombastic speeches.(随着晚间安保工作的加强,越来越多的家庭携幼扶老,涌向了的黎波里的绿色广场——现已改名为“烈士广场”——当年,卡扎菲就是在这里屡次发表了蛊惑人心的演说。)
Next bombastic , say the website is optimized how should do.(然后夸夸其谈,说网站优化应该如何如何做。)
Dmitri Shostakovich's bombastic "Leningrad" symphony, broadcast towards enemy lines in August 1942, has cemented this impression.(迪米特里·肖斯塔科维奇浮夸的“列宁格勒”交响乐在1942年8月向敌方阵线播送,又加强了这样的印象。)
Go get them! "thundered Ed Schultz, a bombastic liberal radio host, at a recent progressive powwow, to equally thunderous applause."(一个强悍的自由人士EdSchultz(电台主持)在最近的一次进步宣言的广播中如是说,他的精彩宣言赢得了雷鸣般的掌声。)
Bombastic boasts - "We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ" -do not constitute a position.(言过其实的自夸——“我们定位于成为XYZ的卓越供应商”——并不能构建其地位。)
He was vain and bombastic.(他既虚荣又浮夸。)
Yet a bombastic, overly tribal leader may well seem unappealing in the coalition era (and he may one day be called upon to lead a coalition of his own).(在联合内阁时期,言过其实的部落首领似乎没有吸引力(而且他可能有一天被号召领导一个他自己的联合内阁)。)
There's a great Eddie Izzard sketch where he pokes fun at the morose inactivity of British film when compared with the bombastic sensationalism of Hollywood.(当艾迪·伊扎德在将英国电影与哗众取宠的好莱坞电影做比较时,他那戏谑英国电影沉闷无聊的段子还是很经典的。)
So, at the end of a typically bombastic speech in parliament, Mr Rajapaksa said he proposed not to extend it.(因此,MahindaRajapaksa在国会发表夸大演说结束前,表示他不会提出延长紧急状态。)
The orator spoke in a bombastic manner.(这位演说家的讲话言过其实。)
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