n. 沼泽
v. 使 ... 陷于泥沼; 陷于困境
形容词: boggy 名词: bogginess 过去式: bogged 过去分词: bogged 现在分词: bogging 第三人称单数: bogs
n. 沼泽
v. 使 ... 陷于泥沼; 陷于困境
形容词: boggy 名词: bogginess 过去式: bogged 过去分词: bogged 现在分词: bogging 第三人称单数: bogs
1. wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation
has poorer drainage than a swamp
soil is unfit for cultivation but can be cut and dried and used for fuel
Synonym: peat bog
1. get stuck while doing something
e.g. She bogged down many times while she wrote her dissertation
Synonym: bog down
2. cause to slow down or get stuck
e.g. The vote would bog down the house
Synonym: bog down
1. 沼泽;湿地;泥塘
A bog is an area of land which is very wet and muddy.
2. 厕所;茅厕
The bog is another name for the toilet.
相关词组:bog down
1. 沼泽:特别是自进入20世纪90年代以后,有关受损湿地的植被恢复与重建研究大量涌现,掀起了湿地研究的热潮,在国际上形成了湿地恢复研究的两大中心:一是欧洲(含加拿大北部),主要以贫营养沼泽(bog)的恢复为主;二是北美(含加拿大南部),
2. 藓沼:raised bog 隆起藓沼:藓沼(bog)的一种特殊类型. 分布于有适量降水的潮湿盆地. 泥炭的聚集量,中心部分较四周为多,中心部分高出自然地下水面,形成突起浅小丘. 由于只能依赖降水,所以丘顶植物营养物质特别少. 由于可有流水补充,
3. 泥炭沼泽:研究结果表明,雨养泥炭沼泽(Bog)酚类物质释放的热敏感性Q10(总酚)月变化为0.92-1.57,而矿养泥炭沼泽(Fen)的月变化范围为0.93-1.30. 酚类释放的热敏感性与土壤温度大致呈正相关关系. 此外,土壤温度与溶解有机碳释放的热敏感性Q10(DOC)也呈正相关关系.
4. 波哥大:布卡拉曼加 (BGA) 波哥大 (BOG)从布卡拉曼加 (BGA)飞往波哥大 (BOG)的直飞航班布卡拉曼加 (BGA) 波哥大 (BOG)布卡拉曼加 (BGA) 波哥大 (BOG)
5. bog的意思
5. bog:bind operations guide; 参考手册
6. bog:bogota; 上海飞波哥达
The talks with the staff bogged down on the question of working hours.
bog sb/sth ⇔ downThe tractor is bogged down in the mud.
1. bog down : 陷入困境;
He would proceed awkwardly across the mud, but soon became bogged.
出自:P. V. WhiteThey..bogged most fearfully in the waterholes.
出自:A. MooreheadHe gets bogged down in self-pity about the difficulties of a writer's life.
出自:A. Powell