英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 10:21:25


英 [baɪˈɒgrəfə(r)]

美 [baɪˈɑ:grəfə(r)]


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1. someone who writes an account of a person's life

1. 传记作者
Someone's biographer is a person who writes an account of their life.

1. 传记作者:迪斯雷利所言,或许稍微偏颇,但可作为传记作者(biographer)的一个警戒. 所以我写这部传记是本着两个原则:取材严谨,行文简洁. 文中所述均有根据,然既非学术论文,就不一一注明来历,因此注解不求多,能省略者则省略之. 大体上这部传记,


2. 传记作家:53. bigot: 盲信者,心胸狭窄者. | 54. biographer: 传记作家. | 55. blowhard: 自吹自擂者.

3. 自传作家:inventor 发明家 | biographer 自传作家 | sculptor 雕塑家

4. 樱桃:myth n. 神话 unlike | cherry n. 樱桃 biographer | n. person who writes about another person's life 传记作家

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As the painting's biographer, Donald Sassoon, dryly notes, "In reality the effect can be obtained from any portrait."(正如这幅画的传记作者唐纳德·沙逊枯燥无味地指出,“实际上,这种效果可以从任何一幅肖像画中获得。”)
Because Naipaul tells them to his authorized biographer.(是奈保尔告诉他的传记作者French的。)
A biographer can seek corroboration elsewhere; a personal memoir does not have that advantage.(传记作家可以从别处寻找确证的事实,但一个个人的记忆没有这样的优势。)
Not everyone is convinced Fidel stays on the margins. "I doubt he is retired," said Volker Skierka, a biographer.(并不是所有人都相信菲德尔真的已经不问世事,传记作者VolkerSkierka说:“我对他的退休表示怀疑。”)
Mr Lycett's book is a serious piece of work from an experienced professional biographer.(这部作品主题严肃,出自经验丰富的职业传记作家莱希特之手。)
“His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.(“他有多善良,就有多贪婪”洛克菲勒传记作者罗恩切尔诺曾说到。)
JOAN HASLIP, 82, popular biographer of such historical figures as France's Marie Antoinette and Emperor Maximilian of Mexico.(82岁的琼·哈斯利普(JOANHASLIP)是法国的玛丽·安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)和墨西哥的皇帝马克西米兰(MaximilianofMexico)等历史人物的著名传记作家。)
"They can't possibly stick with it," says Murdoch's biographer, Michael Wolff.(“他们不可能死守不放的,”默多克的传记作者迈克尔·伍尔夫说。)
They did see him, though, as her official biographer put it, Queen Elizabeth was not enthusiastic.(她们去了,正如她的御用传记作家所写,尽管伊丽莎白王太后并不热情。)
The great man once walked 15 miles to Dunfermline wrapped only in his thoughts and his dressing gown, according to an early biographer.(据早期的一位传记作家描述,这个伟人曾步行15英里到丹弗姆林(Dunfermline),身上仅仅裹着单袍融入沉思。)
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