Dont let there closed society blind you to your own mistrusts and stop this cycle of bigots. if you dont know the deffenition of bigot please look it up.(不要让封闭的社会,盲人有你自己的不信任,并停止这种偏执狂的循环。(如果你不知道的比戈请查一查deffenition。))
George Bigot showed me what an actor can be.(乔治。比哥教会了我何为一个好演员。)
Pretty soon everyone in his dorm labels him as an intolerant bigot.(很快他就被宿舍其他人打上“偏执的盲目信仰者”的标签。)
Everything I've heard about this guy tells me he's a bigot and the right place for him is to stay at home.(我听说这个家伙的一切告诉我,他是一个偏执的人和他的正确位置是要呆在家里。)
I'm not a bigot, Sarah.(莎拉,我可不是个偏执狂。)
And in their idealistic single- mindedness, they can wind up unintentionally portraying society's have-nots as monochromatically as a bigot might.(而在他们理想主义的简单想法中,他们可以像那些狂热的教徒一般偏执一方地无意识地描绘出这个社会的缺陷。)
Carole, could it be that Dog is more of a brute than a bigot?(卡洛尔,会不会是狗更多地是一种简单粗暴的比比戈?)
Anyone who opposes them is branded a racist, a bigot, or a homophobe.(任何反对他们的人都被冠以种族主义者,偏执狂或同性恋憎恨者的污名。)
A 36 bigot is a stone-deaf 37 orator.(一个执迷不悟的人是个全聋的演说家。)
His words stamped him to be a bigot.(他讲的话表明他是个偏执的人。)
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