英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:53:55




n.贝蒂(女子名;Elizabeth 的昵称)

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  • 网络解释

1. 黃奕:楼主 主 题:黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸黄奕(Betty)宽屏壁纸

2. Betty的反义词

2. 貝:本网站主要记录关于贝贝(Betty)和她父母周围发生的一些事情,由于贝贝还小,贝贝的情况现在就由贝贝爸妈和其他相关人员编写,期待贝贝长大能参与到创作团队中.

3. 鼻涕:反正就记得在初中刚刚接触英语的时候,英文名对我是多么神奇的事情. 自己会在之前学着电视上的称呼,不管男女都要给自己起一个. 一般都是以一天一个的频率更换. 之后疯癫到硬生生要给两个表妹起英文名. 什么罗斯啊鼻涕(BETTY)啊......想想真是可笑.

  • 临近词

Betty hunkered down on the floor.(贝蒂蹲坐在地板上。)
Betty James is definitely not a tycoon.(贝蒂的确不是一个大亨。)
Tony said when his sister Betty called him to have a look, "Ah, yes, look here. You can see the mark where it hit the window."(托尼说,当他妹妹贝蒂叫他看时,他说:“啊,是的,看这里。你可以看到它击中窗户的地方。”)
Like most twins, the two girls look very much alike, but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body.(像大多数双胞胎一样,这两个女孩看起来很像,但与大多数双胞胎不同的是,贝蒂和艾比共享同一个身体的某些部位。)
Betty would rather that her husband didn't send away the cleaning lady, but he will anyway.(贝蒂宁愿她丈夫不把清洁女工打发走,但他无论如何都会的。)
Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida.(飓风贝蒂正在逼近佛罗里达海岸。)
Both men were married twice, their first wives were named Linda, and their second wives were both named Betty.(这两个男人都结过两次婚,而且他们的第一个妻子都叫琳达,第二个妻子都叫贝蒂。)
You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.(贝蒂,你做的蛋糕是世界上最好吃的,相比面包店的蛋糕,我更喜欢吃你做的蛋糕。)
Betty: Because they had so many knights.(贝蒂:因为那时有许多骑士。)
"Betty said to Bob one day," reads the ad, "wouldn't it be wonderful if we could have a bright and shining kitchen—with everything matching in Monel Metal?"(广告上写道:“有一天,贝蒂对鲍勃说,如果我们拥有一个明亮闪耀的厨房——所有的一切都可以在蒙耐尔金属公司找到,那该多好啊?”)
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