
好工具 > 单词大全 > best-protected


更新时间:2025-03-10 22:53:37
  • 双语例句

1. It is regarded internationally as one of the best-protected reefs in the world, being enclosed in a World Heritage Area and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

2. His data suggest that even in some of the world`s best-protected primary forests, these species face severe pressures.


3. William Laurance, a colleague of Dr Wright`s, pointed out to the symposium that birds and mammals are more vulnerable to alterations in their habitat than are insects and other small animals. His data suggest that even in some of the world`s best-protected primary forests, these species face severe pressures.

4. It is the biggest and best-protected Karst Landform reserve in China and one of the best-preserved Karst tropical rainforest in the world.

5. Paul Royal, principal researcher at Damballa commented that Damballa is trying to figure out how the bot infestation is getting past the perimeter defenses of some of the best-protected networks in the world
Damballa首席研究员Paul Royal评论说,damballa正试图弄清楚僵尸网络侵扰是如何越过一些世界上最佳保护网络的周边防御的

6. The Financial Times)2006年4月22日题为Breaking Into the US Citadel was Easier Than Child's Play一文中的一句话的:Mastering the tactics of Rome, he says, was a lot more difficult than gaining access to military systems that should be among the best-protected in the world.

Best of all, the cutter is composed of a row of assembled rotary cutting discs and is protected by a plurality of protective covers.(该切刀最好由一排组件形式的旋转切割圆盘组成,由若干所述护盖加以保护。)
The best protected are, of course, the 60-odd billionaires and almost-billionaires, who are even shielded from the justice system.(当然,最好的护身符是成为总数大约60名的亿万富翁(或接近亿万富翁)中的一员。这些人甚至可以免受来自司法系统的审判。)
A great many planets will be stacked in Capricorn too, and those act as loving little relatives who want to see you get your best options and are protected.(一个伟大的许多行星将堆放在摩羯座,并且那些为爱谁希望看到您得到您的最佳选择,是保护小亲属的行为。)
In part because of that event, Japan's northern coastline is perhaps the best protected area in the world against tsunamis.(在某种程度上,由于那次地震,日本北部海岸可能是全世界抵御海啸最受保护的地区。)
For this traffic to be best protected, strong cryptographic ciphers should be used.(为了更好地保护通信流,应该使用强密码。)
We should make more researching on it and try our best to declare it. Then it would be selected in Chinese Preparatory World Cultural and Natural Heritage List earlier and protected better.(建议加强对小庙洪牡蛎礁的研究及申报工作,使其早日列入《中国国家自然遗产、国家自然与文化双遗产预备名录》,以利于得到更有效的保护和管理。)
The provision of undegradable protein(fishmeal or protected soya)to the diet of lactating dairy cows is not the best method to raise the protein content in milk and the milk yield.(给产奶牛补加过瘤胃蛋白质如鱼粉和保护的大豆饼粕对提高乳蛋白含量和乳产量并不是最好的方法。)
Among them, the Dark Church is the best protected.(其中,黑暗教堂是保护得最好的。)
Organic cultivation is also best carried out in greenhouse as plants are better protected from pests, diseases and pollution.(由于温室可保护植物,避免受病虫害和污染物影响,非常适合用作有机耕种。)
But our lives, our freedom, our happiness are best enjoyed, best protected, and best advanced when we do work together.(生活、自由和追求幸福是我们每个人的权利。)
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