The 21st century is the age of Psychosomatic medicine, when the Qizhi doctrine in Neijing behoove us to develop.(21世纪是心身医学的时代,《内经》形神并重的气质学说理应得到宏扬。)
Remember, you are not worth a duty, it is boast of your duty, like a dirty hand wash as behoove.(记住,分内之事、举手之劳并不值得夸耀,那是赋予你的责任,就像手脏时要洗一样理所当然。)
I suppose it might behoove us to talk about one Mr. Mason Lockwood, as he was at the core of many of last night's mishaps.(我认为我们可能应该先谈论MasonLockwood先生,他是昨晚许多灾难的核心。)
Giving too much, people will think that behoove.(给予太多,别人就会认为理所当然。)
Development business USES meeting place to provide a service for village owner, behoove collection is corresponding charge, do not have misgivings.(开发商利用会所为小区业主提供服务,理应收取相应费用,并无不妥。)
Smoking is absolutely to health harmful and profitless , behoove prohibits in the round.(吸烟对健康是绝对有害无益的,理应全面禁止。)
Love Zhanxiaopianyi female colleague, is often a preoccupied, egoistic, narrow-minded people, they will think for colleagues should be thick skinned behoove to urinate.(爱占小便宜的女同事,往往是一个斤斤计较,自私自利,心胸狭隘的人,她们会认为占同事的小便宜理所当然,脸皮特厚。)
May we not put all others for our good, as behoove. Because the content, will be closer to happiness.(愿我们都不会把所有别人对我们的好,视为理所当然。因为知足,会更接近幸福。)
If the other side tells your tort, behoove quote should have all limits of authority of this project.(假如对方告你侵权,理应举证该拥有该项目的所有权限。)
It would be behoove you to work harder if you want to succeed here.(你若要在这里取得成功,就应该更努力工作。)
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