be ashamed of

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be ashamed of

更新时间:2024-06-25 01:05:54

英 [bi: əˈʃeimd ɔv]

美 [bi əˈʃemd ʌv]

be ashamed of基本解释

动词耻; 感到羞愧,惭愧


  • 网络解释

1. 为...感到害臊:be anxious to渴望(做) | be ashamed of为......感到害臊 | be aware of意识到

2. 为......感到害躁:be anxious for 急切盼望,渴望 | be ashamed of 为......感到害躁 | be assigned to 被分配给......

3. 对......感到羞愧:(27)speak English as a second language 把英语当做第二语言来说 | (28)be ashamed of ... 对......感到羞愧 | (29)behind the times 过时

4. 因......而感到惭愧:be angry with 对......生气 | be ashamed of 因......而感到惭愧 | be aware of 知道,明白,意识到

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.(你扯这种谎应该感到羞耻。)
'you ought to be ashamed of yourself for using such wicked words!(“你说了这样恶毒的话,应该为自己感到羞耻!”)
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, strong young men like you!(像你们这样强壮的年轻人,你们应该为自己感到羞耻!)
What is there to be ashamed of confessing one's errors?(承认自己的错误有什么可羞惭的呢?)
Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.(精神病并不可羞愧。)
And letting everybody know the reason such a thing to be ashamed of!(苔丝骄傲地大声说,“这不是要让所有的人都知道这个原因吗——这样一件让人感到羞耻的事情!)
Go ahead and learn English, but do not be ashamed of your native tongue.(放手去学英语吧,不过不要对自己的本地口音感到不好意思。)
When you sober up, you'll be ashamed of what you've done.(你酒醒之后,会为你的所作所为而感到羞愧。)
You are to be ashamed of yourself.(你应该为自己感到耻辱。)
You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behaviour.(你应当为自己的愚蠢行为而感到羞耻。)
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