be absorbed in

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be absorbed in

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:44:10

[bi: əbˈsɔ:bd in]

be absorbed in基本解释

全神贯注于, 专心致志于; 出神; 只顾


  • 网络解释

1. be absorbed in是什么意思

1. 专心致力于:be about to 即将(做) | be absorbed in 专心致力于... | be abundant in ...富于,...丰富

2. be absorbed in的反义词

2. 专心于:above all 首先,尤其 | be absorbed in 专心于 | by accident 偶然

3. 专心从事:in the absent of 缺少, 没有 | be absorbed in 专心从事 | abuse v. 辱骂, 过量使用

4. 全神贯注于:above all 最重要的是 | be absorbed in 全神贯注于...... | be abundant in ... ......丰富,富于......

  • 临近词
The disciples would frequently be absorbed in questions of right and wrong. Sometimes the answer would be evident enough.(门徒们常常专注于问题的对错。有时答案是显而易见的。有时答案却是难以捉摸的。)
Personal Trainer will be absorbed in your sport process and assist, put right on your movements. They will prevent the suddenness and make sure your safety.(在进行练习时,私人健身教练会专注您做运动的过程,而且会紧密观察、协助及纠正错误,更会及早防止可能的意外,确保您的安全。)
ResultsPaeoniflorin could be absorbed in duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon of rats, and glycyrrhizin could inhibit the absorption of paeoniflorin.(结果芍药苷在大鼠十二指肠、空肠、回肠和结肠均有吸收,甘草酸几乎抑制芍药苷在各个肠段的吸收。)
If you can be absorbed in one thing, then you arelikely to defeat procrastination.(如果你能专注于一件事情,那你就有希望告别拖延症。)
The study said that 18 years ago, the children will be absorbed in their lives 80% of the UV exposure.(这份研究报告说,在18岁前,儿童会吸收他们一生接触紫外线的80%。)
The aura you see is not just what goes out, what goes out has to be absorbed in too.(灵气不仅仅只人看到的外部部分,这些外部的灵气也会被吸收。)
The distracted reader can’t be absorbed in the abstract extract.(心神纷乱的读者无法专心于抽象的节录.)
The Baixin hardware plastics product factory to establish in 1996, always be absorbed in to begin to work of development and manufacturing.(佰新五金塑料制品厂创建于1996年,始终专注于手动工具的开发及制造。)
I think I can be absorbed in what I am doing!(我想我一旦行动起来就会全神贯注。)
At that time, be absorbed in them, look up.(那个时候,他们全神贯注,神情激昂。)
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